NYS Coyote Hunters

Hey guys, LittleTony and I went out for a couple of sets last night. Something busted us on our second set, but on the third set, we managed to call in this 24lb male cat. He was right on top of the call before I realized he was there, only about 2-3 minutes into the setup. It's weird, because I saw a dark spot, thought it was the caller itself, watched it for about a full minute or two, and then thought it was a big too big to be a caller. Didn't think it was a critter though, because it was only feet away from the caller. Hit the light on my AR, and sure enough........it was a cat. I got lucky and got one off very quickly on his way out the door........he wasn't sticking around once the light came on. I've had a ton of very close encounters with cats while bowhunting in PA and VT, but never seen one in NY, and this is the first I've actually taken.

Excellent. I've seen their tracks heard them scream and seen them from a moving auto. Never saw one in the wild though. Have found a couple of skulls from road kills in PA.

That had to be a great experience for you.
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Thanks everyone!


It's a Streamlight TLR-1 that clamps direct to a picattinny rail. Super compact and 135 really clean lumens, much brighter than other 200+ lumen lights I've seen. I also have a Bushwhacker red lens cover for it. The red filter is enough to see eyes out to almost 100 yards, but then when you know something is there and you are ready to identify and shoot, you pop the lens cover open, and that Streamlight will give you a good 150-200 yards of shooting light if you are in open cover. I don't know why more guys aren't using these lights, at $100 it's a bargain and probably the lightest most compact light setup I've seen.

Thanks guys!

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I will say, for my first successful calling setup...IT WAS AWESOME!!! I had my back to Matt, and when I saw the glow from his light come on I sadi "Matt...ya see something" Then BOOM and I saw the muzzle flash on the trees around me. Hehehe. I [beeep] near [beeep] myself. Matt's reply "I just shot a cat. I can't belive I JUST shot a CAT".

To all you guys and gals on here, I know why you are here. Amazing. I am glad to be a part. I will admit I can't really handle the electronic game calls though. The sounds are so real and disturbing to me. Just the whole animal in pain and anguish thing. I dunno, call me crzy it makes me a tad quezy. A nice cat at the end helped cure that though!!!
ny yote hunter, all the dogs we get go to a good friend of ours. he is 77 and been trapping forever he hasnt been able to get out as much this year so we give everything to him and he sells to the fur buyer, he doesnt like the red ones though. how about you?
Great cat!!! Congrats.
They do come in slick don't they.
You guys that have trouble getting rid of all the animals you shoot should feel lucky! I've given some away. Left some with bad fur, gave a few to science, and have some heads in the freezer. Oh, I used one for bait a couple years ago and....the coyotes DID eat it. The cats are different. Have a full body mount coming and got two skinned out for rugs. Skulls are cleaned and ready for processing. I'd like a nice coyote rug but it has to be from a really big specimen. And pretty too!
got my last fox for the season last night, nice red. i was just getting ready to leave my setup put all my gear away and shined the red light and there she was. got set back up and took the shot good finish for the fox season.