NYS Coyote Hunters

Welcome. Margaretville is a good area for cats. The ones that I've seen have been around thick pines, ledges and swamps. If you can find an area with grouse, bunnies or snowshoe hare with the combination of the aforementioned cover begin your search there.
Good luck and sounds like you had the right combo going on Friday night.
Here's another NY cat.
This one is much smaller than the first one. Shot her last night at dusk. Was within a few minutes of the house. Can't seem to get the canines to committ.

hey all just want to introduce myself, new to the sight. been hunting coyotes for about eight years now. my uncles and i got into it and now we cant stop. we hate to see deer season end but always glad because then we can kill coyotes. so far this season we have gotten six dogs. three females and three males also two fox a red and a grey. we got two real big males this year so far. one 47 lbs the other 46 lbs. as soon as i figure out how to post pics i will do so. we hunt around the schenectady area guilderland and altamont. glad to be here and glad to see there are lots more just like us. remember a rushed shot is a missed shot. aim small miss small
Wow Perri nice cats..what did you shoot that one with? Its ok your not shooting any of those dogs just yet! Saving them for the Sullivan county contest....I'll talk to you soon
Don't you just hate the cat comeing to the call syndrome were're haveing this year. Nice 2nd cat also. At least all my buddies won't think I'm doing something special to get a cat.
To tell the truth, I was upset that the coyotes didn't come in. Not that I'm not glad to get the cat but dang it, why ain't I getting any coyotes.
This year, I think I'm at about 35-40 stands. Way down from my norm by now. I've called in 5 canines (no shots taken) and the two cats. My call in ratio is twice as good as usual but my shot oppurtunity is killing me instead of the coyotes. Hey Darren, I'll save that 68 pounder for the contest.
The gray is a very gutsy little hunter, Since I started predator hunting these little guys have grown the most in my admiration...Great pix
Hello. I'm new to the area. I have hunted coyotes and fox up north my whole life (with dogs) but am currently going to school. I don't know anyone or have permission to hunt on any land and am looking for someone to hunt with. I am a newbie at calling game though, but have the equipment needed. I was wondering if you would want to do a little huntin? I live in Byron NY.I am getting serious cabin fever!
Hey guys this looked like the place to introduce myself... Im from Edmeston, NY and Im part owner of Hicklings Fish Farm Inc. and as a family we own about 2200 acres of land over here. However our area has lots of dog huntin pressure so it makes things tough but i still manage to get lucky here and there. Lots of good info and pics on here... hope to help out in the future!

New here and thought I'd say hello. Just got into dog hunting this year. Awesome is all I have to say. I live in a suburb 10mins from downtown Albany and although I have had zero success calling I have had success baiting.

I have a roadkill deer staked down with chicken wire and logs on top. I have a popup blind 40 yds up a hill. I have sit 5 nights now, from 3 hours to 8 hours in duration. I've seen dogs every time, and shot my first...a 35lb female at 6:45 am. I have passed on a few too, only because I did not like the shot. I have been VERY cold, but it is more than worth it to see a couple dogs come in and not know I am there and do what they do.

I am always looking to learn more and looking for new people to hunt with. Congrats to all you Predator hunters...I know why you are all smiling in your pics. Glad to have found it....................t
Congrats Tony, and welcome. It's a blast for sure.
I've seen dogs right along rt. 90 on the way into Albany.
Keep at em.

Here's a dog I shot yesterday about 6:00pm. Called in with the Foxpro. Was a text book hunt. That's not my usual for sure.



Fur wasn't very good. Donating this one to the local college vet sci program.

Good Hunting
Nice Dog FreeBM. We are finally getting a little snow here now. I am definitely going out tonight. With being so close to Albany when it is overcast the light pollution radiates down off the clouds and with snow I can see better than if it was a full moon.

Keep up the good work.
Hey Tony welcome to the mad house.

freebm, congrats on the dog. Is that the first one this season?
Called another red fox into my brother Saturday night, he hit it in the chest but good enough to kill it. Tracked him over a mile with no luck. Still, it was a good night!!!
First one I've had the chance to pull the trigger on this season.
I started off calling them in pretty good but not being able to seal the deal. Well that's gonna change. LOL I hope.
Razor, I'm boning up for the big hunt!!!
Smoker, I still can't get a fox. Dang things.