Jan,Moon calling reports...The moons at 70% let the fun start..

my success so far includes partner [url=killshttp://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/images/icons/default/thumbup.gif][url=killshttp://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/images/icons/default/thumbup.gif]killshttp://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/images/icons/default/thumbup.gif[/url][/url]


great stories guys!

Went out last night had 3 dry sets, tried for four but mother nature decided it was a good time to switch the wind as we were on the drive there. Heard on lone yote a ways off, but saw 4 from the truck. 1 took off and made it across highway before we could get around and get on him. The other 3 were standing less than 100 yds from land owners house, and didnt think he would appreciate that wake up call at 330 this morning, but i got to sit and watch 2 of them play around in the field for atleast 10 minutes. Talked to land owner today and found out there is a pig out there, but he doesnt want us shooting at them there since it is so close to his house.
but got some surrounding land today so hopefully we can convince them to come our way tonight! Good luck all, hopefully have some results to post after tonight!
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Made four sets last night first two were dry.

Third set had one come in after about 10-15 minutes. She didn't see me and was taking her time, after watching her for about 30 seconds in the scope I shot her at a 100 yards. Twelve sets so far this year and this is the first animal that has come in. It was nice to hit it though:) On the way out on the farm yard and fox comes running through the yard between the house and barn right in front of us. It had a jacked up tail no hair except a little tuff on the end. I ran out the back and got it in the scope but I decided against a 300yd shot on the farmers yard at 1am.

The last set was dry too.
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Well my first called coyote(s) turned out to be a double! About 12:30am, first stand of the night.

Was 8 degrees with a steady 5mph West wind. I set up about 100 yards off a 90 degree corner on a gravel road with very little traffic on it. I tried calling this spot during the December full moon once but with a North wind. This time they responded!

The snow was crunchy, but I sure like not falling through every step. I set my Scorpion and Mojo Critter out about 70 yards in a low spot in the field. This was the first time I tried using a friend's external speaker from his Johnny Stewart PM-4. I started out running "Lightnin' Jack" on volume 24 for 5 minutes. This was a little louder than the internal speaker in the scorpion. After 5 minutes, I figured I wanted to see how loud it could get, as I hadn't even tried the external speaker outdoors yet. I turned it up to 36 and it was VERY LOUD. Not 1 minute after turning it up I saw 2 dark shapes moving fast, on a bee-line for the caller/decoy.

At 70-80 yards, I thought I could see pretty well with the moon we had last night, but really in the heat of the moment I probably am not able to aim anywhere but center mass. I had loaded (3) 35gr Bergers on top of an AR magazine full of 45gr Hornady Spire Point loads (Dtech .204 Ruger). Thinking I did not want to get skunked this year on coyotes, at least one of these was going to die if I had to empty the entire mag. I think I had about 10 in there. I haven't even checked for holes yet, but I think I hit them both twice. First went in the one closest to the caller. I barked and that one stopped and looked at me. Bang/Flop. I get the second one in the scope and it's stopped 30 yards back where they came from looking back at the other one like "you coming!?@#$^%@". Bang/Flop. I go back to the first one and it's flailing around, and probably would have been DRT, but I put a 2nd one in it to be sure. Same with the second. It was kicking, so I gave it a 2nd round. Now on that 2nd one in the 2nd coyote, I think that was a 45gr Hornady, because this dog was a mess. Granted it was a gut shot, maybe two gut shots on that one, but I think the 35gr Bergers are obviously WAY more fur friendly than the 45gr Spire Point. I had a fox get blown up by one of those too. I thought the lead tip would show much less expansion than the 35gr hollow point, but that's not what I'm seeing in the field.

This graphic explains how things went a little better. I want to point out that ever since I read this thread, I've paid more attention to wind in relation to where the cover is, and where the coyote are most likely going to come from. I don't think I truly understood what people meant when talking about wind in relation to cover and setup, and seeing a couple graphics like the one below made by TBR Outdoors. Thanks guys.

This graphic shows how this is pretty much a 2x2 mile section with a gravel road going out to the center of it. I know this road doesn't get much traffic, so figured the coyotes should be comfortable getting close to the road. The plowed up snow off the 90 degree corner was conveniently taller than my vehicle to hide it.

I tried to cover most of the gore. The 45gr Hornady SP blew her guts out. She actually had better fur than the male in front. These were my first ever called coyotes, and came on my 16th stand of the season. I was not going home empty handed if they presented a shot, so each got 2 shots. (1) 35gr Berger, and (1) 45gr Hornady.

Well here its january moon and I did not get my frist.
Friday nite called in five on three sets. Toke one shot and missed. Last nite all M/T.
Nice work on the double Baba!

Well our night did not go as well as had hoped, but it was still nice to be out. Made 3 empty sets, just got to the field for our first set and heard them yipping and playing around off to our north west just a bit, either on the river or just across, and the field sat just above the river about 100ft, so we set up quickly and started to call, made this an extra long set hoping something would show, but I guess they had other plans. Look forward to the stories and pics from last night boys.
I had a good night Friday, too. I killed one of each.
I made 5 stands and had responses on each one. After missing a red at 300 yards then having feeding issues with the AR that caused me to miss the same fox again standing, er, uh, I mean sitting, at 30 yards (long story...), I ditched it in the truck and grabbed the shotgun and e-caller with remote and headed for the thick stuff. It paid off!
All of these were called and killed with the shotgun in the bush, with shots ranging from 20 to 40 yards. The red and gray were killed 2 minutes apart on the same stand. I like the shotgun. It doesn't make a bloody mess of things!

I thought i would give night time calling a try and the conditions where good for it so i went out Fri and Sat. night.
Called in a single on fri. night and a double and one single Sat. nite.. Even with a clear sky and full moon they are tough to see comeing in. Been useing the Bino's which seems to help alot.. Even though there is alot of day time hunting pressure here i was surprised to see the coyotes come in and out in the wide open to boot. They are still a little spooky but still comeing in.. later..
super weekend of day and night hunting. Friday afternoon called in a fox and he winded me at 15 yds ripped off 3 shots before he disappeared behind the hills. then spotted and stalked a fox, couldnt get close enough before he got up and took off. Then spotted and stalked a yote got to 228yds to take the shot and ticked the snow on the way out. I then walked out to see exactly where i hit the snow so i wouldnt make that mistake again and i look up and i can see 3 more yotes laid up in the same section. I went for the closest one, got to 218 yds and took him out. Was getting close to dark drove 4 mi home and saw a yote on the edge of town, hit some dinner and headed back out for a moon full of fun. One the first stand, hit a lake and set the call at 50-60 yds and made a few howls followed by a pause, continued with red fox distress and in only to 2 min and i had a yote at 67 yds. She hit the ice like a ton of bricks. Stand 2, was promising. I started the set the same as the first, and had 3-4 yotes light up less than .5 mi from me but they just woulnt come any closer so i called it a night.
Nice looking pics guys, love the gray! Sounded like an interesting weekend Mr. outdoors. Are friends tourney went ok with 4 teams and 3 coyotes getting shot. So weight decided the winner. Travis shot a 34# 120z to take 1st for our team. Second was very close at 34# 10oz, shot by Bull Sprig, and third was 26# 8oz, shot by Whackem. It was fun to get together, although everybody looked like zombies at the cafe. I'll post pics when I get home from ND. Jason and I are leaving shortly. Have some work to do, then try some calling.
The gray is awesome! I've been out the last two nights... Thanks for the tourney Todd. We'll have to do that again for sure!

Saturday night January 30th.
Sets one through four were dry.

Fifth set I spotted one at about three hundred yards early in the set. I got it in the scope and lip squeaked which had it coming right for me, YES! I figured I'd let him get as close as he was willing to, however he disappeared behind a hill fairly quickly. He was out of view for about five minutes, when I noticed him back up by where we walked in and charging hard now. I turned and he stopped a little over a hundred and I put one right in his chest.


34# 10 oz. Spot look familiar? Two coyotes in as many days out of the same spot.

Sets six and seven of the night were dry.

I was out early this morning and made two sets. First set we called in a fox which charged the call hard. It was on my partner’s side, and I tried to stop it for him. Tried a couple different sounds, but this fox would not stop. I wish we would have had a shotgun; it would have been dead for sure! Turns out it ended up all the way on my downwind side and I was able to get two running shots off, but this fox lived.

Second set was dry.

Going to try it again in the morning.
That spot does look familiar with the brick back ground.
How often do you call from there, and do you change up the sounds? Congrats on anothere.
I have called that spot five times now and called in four coyotes. Once during the December full moon I called one in and missed it. We called it once at sunrise with no takers. I've used it three times during this moon and called in three. One set was dry, one we called in a pair and another I called in that last one and killed it. Pretty crazy out of one spot if you ask me... To answer your question, yes I have been changing up the sounds. Since the December coyote came in on the very first sound, I figured they hadn't heard much so it was still basically a new spot for January. Oddly enough though, I used one specific sound during my set albeit I changed the sequence. That one specific sound is responsible for both dead coyotes and called in three of the four.

Originally Posted By: Phil_SchmidtSo you hit a fox on the run? You're an animal!

Yeah,then what do I do? Miss two shots at one about 80 yds. two nights later walking to setup. Still can't believe I got that close with all the racket I was making on the crunchy snow or the fact he ran out of the cattails heading the direction I came from. Right to left shot again,was a bit winded as I just stood up from removing snowshoes after walk in when he busted out. Still had my seat pad hanging from barrel,don't know if the wind was moving it and my barrel with it or not happened so fast! That's gonna be my excuse anyway

Rest of sets were dry except for one spot I set up on a beaver pond about 200 yds across by 1/4 mile long surrounded by woods. Only took one series and I spotted a coyote trotting along the far shoreline coming with the wind so I went to a rodent sound. Apparently he'd heard that before and didn't like it one bit. I turned him straight around facing me with a lip squeak and took my shot at 166 paces. Big dog with very nice color.
That'll be it for this moon since it's coming up so late now.Looking forward to next they should be doing the wild thing hot and heavy by then
