UPDATED! It's not dead yet - Arrogant imposter will be found out

Yes, what don't you get about it? Yes! Yes! Yes! When someone brings you to court,you are issued a summons,in that summons you are ordered a federal mandated deadline requiring Obamas lawters to produce a vault copy of his Bc it expired with no response from Obama or his lawyers. It demands that Obama or his lawyers produce a copy of his original BC to the Supreme court.
By failing to respond to the request for admissions and request for the producing of documents within 30 days,Obama has admitted he was born in Kenya,and adopted in Indonesia,and also the document posted "online" was a phony. By not responding with the proof or an objection,you are admitting it. His lawyers know that,and so do other "halfway" intelligent individuals.

I knew the Bill or rights in 3rd grade. Also the constitution. Maybe not all the ins and outs,but they gave us tests on the meanings of it. It hasn't changed much,other than allowing rich criminals to skate by them.

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Also, key information is missing from the produced documents."Name of the hospital" "size and weight of the baby' And sometimes the name of the Doc who delivered him.
Copies of"real Bc" of that era all have much greater descriptions including"usual residence of the mother"and "the usual occupation of the father" None of this information appears on the document produced by Obamas campaign. The latest suits have been filed in Hawaii, Washington,Cali,Florida,Georgia,New York,Connecticut.
Suites In Washington and Ga are seeking state superior courts to force the States' secretary of state as the chief state elections officer to require obama to produce original birth records from Hawaii or else de-certify him as a candidate for presidency.

So it's pretty cut and dry. Anyone who is an American,and believes in this country would not want a foreiner to take office of the presidency. It goes against our constitution. But I know there are people who hate the other parties for no real reasons other than repeating what they have heard,that they will vote for a fraud and someone who is ineligible. That is just plain suicidal and sad. To vote for"the other guy" because of hate and not even looking at who or what you are voting for should be criminal.
Rule 36 of the federal code of civil procedure.
If you are being sued in a small claims court,and you decide to not show up, you have automatically lost the case.Same rule applies to Fed cases.

I'll sterilize the baby spoon again. LOL
Rule 36 of the federal code of civil procedure.
If you are being sued in a small claims court,and you decide to not show up, you have automatically lost the case.Same rule applies to Fed cases.

I'll sterilize the baby spoon again. LOL

what case did he not show up for?
Being from Kenya His father was considered a British subject until 1963 when Kenya became a nation.

What does that have to do with the race of his father? As listed on his website as being African.

Also your referenced usconstitution.net is put up by a man and his wife kind of like snopes.com Wonderful if you want to believe it.
Also your referenced usconstitution.net is put up by a man and his wife kind of like snopes.com Wonderful if you want to believe it.

If you want to disput what they say i'm willing to read what you have to say.
What does your last quote have to do with his fathers race?

Nothing, it’s a reply to your assessment of usconstitution.com
What does your last quote have to do with his fathers race?

Nothing, it’s a reply to your assessment of usconstitution.com

OK, I guess that asking you more than one question at a time is above your ability to respond to each so I'll go to 1 question at a time.

1. What does your reference to Kenya and being a British subject have to do with his phony computer scanned thing on his website that says his father is African. African is not a race but a nationality as there are caucasion/white Africans. How can his fathers race be listed as African? That is not a race. Someone who made up the phoney thing on his website obviously didn't know that. How do you respond to that 1 question?