Official Broadhead Damage Thread

I wish I couldnt! They cause to much damage and make it almost impossible to feed deer once they find your feeding spots. Im sure they will be up where you are before to long. Its not to bad because there is always somthing to hunt here in GA, but I could do without the pigs. A buddy of mine has land on the Flint River and theres one field that would make an awsome food plot. Everytime they try and plant it the pigs dig it up...they finally just gave up on planting it.
Originally Posted By: RubenatorI thought it would be cool to have hogs to hunt where I live, that is until I hunted them in S.C.. VERY destructive animal.

Yeah, that's kinda where I stand. I bet their fun to hunt, though.
Hogs are fun to hunt......then they take over, & like Zack said make it difficult to hunt other animals such as deer. I have an eighty acre block of timber that was at one time good for at least one 125" or better deer a year. Hogs moved in about 4 yrs ago & we haven't killed a deer there since. We've killed, trapped, & run them with dogs, but the property is only about a mile from the river, so there is an endless supply of hogs. I now swap hunts with other people wanting to hog hunt, have made some good friends & also killed a ton of hogs. Won't be long we'll be putting some broadhead damage on some of them, just as soon as it cools off a little.

No problem man I know the Rage work. I thought about trying some of the three blade along side of my 2 blade. I ended up getting some of the new Grim Reaper Whitetail Special's I guess we'll see if they hold up to the devestation that my Rage do?
Originally Posted By: Tim NeitzkeOriginally Posted By: redeyeddawgOriginally Posted By: SuperSeal110I bought some Rage, but haven't had a chance to use them. They'll be broken in this fall...

Good luck with that. Might want to save yourself some grief and buy a quality head.

Rage just plain work !
I shoot 3 blade 1.5" cut. Haven't found a deer yet that will hold one. Man do they cut a hole !

My rig has a lot of KE.

Now my wife shoots the same broadhead with a lot less KE. I will say this a solid shoulder hit ,no matter fixed of mech ,She can't push either one through. We used to shoot a lot of 3-D targets. She got brain washed like many do,that you have to hug the shoulder,cause that where the points are. Well on a deer hugging the shoulder can spell disaster ! I now have her shoot them mid -rib and they always end up in the freezer. I would rather have her gut shoot one with a Rage than punch one in the shoulder with anything.

Like Smokin 250 said, they work when they work. When they DON'T work, which happens regularly, bad things happen. Use the head you want to, I don't care. But, it's a matter of time until the Rage crap will fail and you'll change your mind. For me, it was on one of the larger bucks I've ever shot. Had I used something other than over-hyped junk that day, an easy recovery would have happened.

Like Smokin 250 said, they work when they work. When they DON'T work, which happens regularly, bad things happen. Use the head you want to, I don't care. But, it's a matter of time until the Rage crap will fail and you'll change your mind. For me, it was on one of the larger bucks I've ever shot. Had I used something other than over-hyped junk that day, an easy recovery would have happened. [/quote] i concur
you are 100% correct Tim, shot placement is key and if the placemet is correct, any sharp head will kill a deer in seconds. however, we all make mistakes in placement sonner or later. thats where a stouter head comes into play. not to brag but i've shot 170 deer with a bow and some large bucks. i've only hit a few in the shoulder and am [beeep] glad i was shooting a strong head. a small diameter head will leave a fine blood trail, no need to shoot an axe. the big thing with rage heads was because the were not as finicky as other heads.tune yourbow proper and most any quality small diameter should be just fine. i,ve also shot LOTS of deer with thunderheads and can't think of 1 failure. where are you hitting them to have failure and would a rage head be better on said hits.
Nice job on the deer ,that's a bunch.
I've stripped blades off of thunderheads mostly on heavy bone hits ; ie shoulder,spine ect. I can think of 3 heads for sure that the blades pushed out the retaining ring and the head was in the vitals with no cutters.
A Rage would have done the same (broke)I'm sure.
thunderheads have a very secure system for locking them in place??? did you have the o ring in place? i'm sure i've seen over 50 deer others have shot with them and can't recall a failure although there probably was some, just can't recall. i've seen bent/wavey blades but not blade loss have blown through the shoulders of a few big bucks with muzzy's and have had blades bend but at least the penatrate. and i shoot about 63 -65 lbs
Originally Posted By: Tim NeitzkeThe broadhead always gets blamed when a animal is lost. Most of the time it's shot placement ! It's much easier to blame equipment.

I shot Thunderheads for years and killed many,many deer with them. In fact I've broken more blades off them than any mech I've used.

Yep use what you will,and have at it.

Talk about Hype ! How many guys shoot a Mathews just because all the TV people do ????

You never see me shooting one,unless I'm getting paid like all the ones on TV .

The deer in question was hit in the ribcage. I believe the Rage head centered a rib, then literally fell apart at impact. Again, a quality broadhead WILL NOT DO THAT. I've probably killed 30+ deer with Thunderheads myself, and rare was the time when it wasn't recovered in a condition where it could be reused after new blades were installed. BTW, the difference between Mathews and Rage is striking. Yes, both have a lot of marketing behind them, but Mathews has a huge share of the market as they build a quality product. Rage is losing market share as more and more hunters become disillusioned with their product.