New England Hunt 2007

Well let me be the first to say that the 2007 Maine predator hunt was a blast!!!!

First off, the weather was VERY VERY COLD!

we were hunting in -6 to -14 degree weather BEFORE the wind chill.

In three days off day and night hunting, only one coyote was taken. Three should have been taken but I messed up on two.

The one that was taken was shot by RJ4 who had just dropped me off at my room and drove about 1/8 of a mile down the road, set up and popped a lone coyote.

The two that I should have took were screw ups by me. The first one was at night. RJ4 and I were calling with my caller and a coyote came in from out right, circled around a big pine tree and walked right up and looked right at the caller. I couldn't get my frozen fingers out of my mittens fast enough and RJ4 being the nice guy that he is was waiting for me to shoot (he says he was waiting because it was my spot and caller) and when I didn't, he swung on the coyote and a branch hit his AR and went clink.

The coyote simply looked up and walked off. it was 6 feet away!

The second was just weird! Same spot, my caller but now daytime. Sitting on stand with RJ4 and doing some calling. Two coyotes come in behind us and split off, one to our right and one to our left. I see the one to our right and swing on it and take off the safety. The coyote gives me a broad side shot and never sees us. I squeeze the trigger and BANG, the coyote kicks his rear legs out and scampers off. We switch over to pup distress to get the second coyote but it never shows.

We go to were the first one was shot to look for blood and find nothing. So, we start following tracks and can't find blood, fur or nothing. We go back and I sit on stand and he walks to where the coyote was when I shot to try to replay the deal. He says "dude there is nothing here but I watched you hit him!" I start to walk to him and find our answers. I found a bunch of wood chips! I totally cut a 1 inch round Hemlock in half!

The coyote I shot at had its head and shoulders behind a clump of saplings, so I aimed for as close to the shoulders without aiming into those saplings. I guess I didn't see the lone Hemlock!

When it was all said and done, I called in three that we saw, RJ4 called in one and shot it and that was about it for our hunting party.

It was awesome to meet and hang out with everyone who went.

A BIG thank you goes out to Rodney (meguide) for all his hospitality and showing us around the BIG woods of northern Maine.

He opened up his camp to us and alerted all the town folk that we would be up there. The White Wolf Inn fed us all well and Sandi put on a great banquet and award ceremony!

Thanks again Rodney, I hope to come up there again real soon!!!!

here are some pics that I took.

some Deer


RJ4 and his coyote





p.s. I also saw 3 Moose a red fox and a turkey and 4 deer on the ride out of town. And they had 4-6 inches of snow up there. No matter were I looked, in the woods or near the roads of in peoples drive ways, there were coyote, fox, cat, deer or moose tracks, it was unbelievable!

JAR NJ: me and RJ4 made two stands, fivepak and meguide had no light. We all needed sleep before our rides home!!
Another big thanks to Rodney (Meguide) for his hospitality. I look forward to the 3rd annual NE predator hunt. My son also had a blast and will be a regular at these hunts. It's a sure thing I'll be up there for deer season. There everywhere and are nicer deer than I've seen in southern NH.

Thanks again, Rodney.

My son especially like the down time from hunting to play a little cards.

Dinner at the White Wolf Inn.
I had a lot of fun!!! Thanx Rodney and everyone. lets do it agen in Feb. Please send me a copy of those pics if you would. Realy, Feb we can meet for a day/night hunt around norway, what you think?
Need sleep
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RJ4: I will send you those pics and the others I have in E-mail.

I am not really sure I understand the rest of your post.

we are both tired!!!!
Where in Maine is Norway?

right next to Paris, Sweden and Denmark, of course /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

it's also just off the Maine Tpke (I 95) just west of the Lewiston/Auburn area
Hey guys. I am back from camp. Was going to stay and hunt a couple more days but you guys kept me out in the arctic weather and now I have a bad cold. RJ things turned out good after you left. I think the hunt was a big success and I am already planning 2008 hunt. A lot of dogs were seen, some missed and one taken. And yes for those of you that have seen the pictures that dog was hanging in my kitchen,(warmer skinning) stories were told and friendships were made. I am up for a Feb hunt in Norway and RJ I will call you. Paul Norway is not very far from where you go camping.Well guys I had a great time and looking forward to seeing you all again.
Great looking coyote. Looks as big as the one George got up there a while back.

If you dont mind me asking the PA guys, what did it rougly cost someone from PA ? I have a hard time with money since I've bought this house. I'd love to make it next year, maybe catch a ride with someone and split the gas money.

Thanks Vic
it cost me $110 for year licsence and night hunting.

If you get a room for 3 night (I did) it was about $150

and then whatever you eat drink and spend up there.

If you get in early you might be able to get a bed in camp.

It is worth it, as meguide said, we all had fun, made new friends and even hunted a little!
Ok I told my g/f.

she said as long as I buy her a Tulip, a chocolate and peanut butter heart and a card that "means something" then I can go. (seriously thats what she wants) for valentines.

Hey RJ4: are you gonna use that .17HMR on more coyotes?

It did the job pretty good on the last one!!!!
As usual Rodney bent over backwards to make the hunt a good time. Many thanks to Rod for all his effort.
Good looking coyote RJ you broke the ice for the rest of us. Some bitter cold weather thats for sure. -19 with 30 mph winds makes your touch hole pucker. Frost bite was on the right knee about the size of a silver dollar. Skins growing back now. Must of got it wet kneeling and didn't notice it till I showered. (Luxury of a rented room). Its deep country to hunt, with that kind of weather one mistake and the hunter becomes bait. Looking foward to next year. We'll try and get it set up where the young boy can pop one.

JSweet: I hope everything worked out for you after you left Maine!!

That was tough country to hunt never mind the COLD, those showers were great after some night hunting and stuff.

Hope to do it again next year! I will be going back up before that though. I loved it up there!!!

Did you happen to look out you window tonight? it is Finally snowing!!