

Man, I would love to get a black one. My very first called-coyote was black, and I let him slip right out past me without firing a shot. He was close enough to hit with a rotten tomato. I've been having conniption-fits ever since.

Nice going on your black coyote. Now get blonde!

Today I checked the trail cameras for the first time in almost a week. We have had rain every day practically, so I didn't bother to go to the farm.

I had a sort-of blackie show up. He took the bait, which was nothing more than bones and skin.

Here's a video clip. Click on it to view.

shot it in the rain. Had trouble seeing through the scope so many drops were falling. Glad I took my hammer (270) They die right there with it.
I just now watched the video. Not a wolf but big enough to be one. He will be back. They never forget where they got something to eat at. Trouble maybe in the future for your bait site.
Here is another black one!!! check out the date and time

look who showed up for breakfast!!! Not Blonde but he will do!! The Hammer (270) 175yds young male road kill used for attractant

arn't your coyotes in VA worth anything when prime? I averaged almost $50 here in Wis.Thats why I never shoot unprime fur.We dont have a ton of coyotes here any way,so sure wont kill any when thier welping thier pups.

Blusam, you're really getting into them.

Are you shooting in the day, or at night? I assume during the day if you are shooting that far.

Nice going with the .270.

shooting in the day time right after daylight. No to the gentleman in Wisconsin our pelts are not worth $50 here more like $5.00 or less. I lost 3 calves to coyotes last year and I am going to take the necessary action to stop that. Look what showed up for brunch.

Ive never heard of a black coyote up north.Its wierd that the color phase of red fox,the cross and the silver are most common way north,Alaska and yukon,but the color phase for coyote is more common in the east and south.Out of all the red fox Ive cought only one was cross and only a slight cross.Good luck killing those calf killers.