NEW Shotgun Pattern Test Results - Detail & Pic' heavy...

3-1/2" 12 ga great coyote loads available!

These Rem HD 3-1/2" BB loads are much better loads on coyotes than Hevi-Shot Dead Coyote loads are and they are $20.0 to $25.00 less per box than the Hevi-Shot Dead Coyote T shot loads are now.

Check out the above link!

These shells are no longer being made, so get them while you can. If you bought HW13 shot to reload a 1-3/4 oz load similar to these loads just the shot would cost $2.51 per shell. So a little over $3.00 per loaded factory shell is a great buy.
My Kicks Howler in .745 should be here tomorrow. Gonna try and call in some turkeys over the next few days but I'll take at least a few shots at a target this weekend and post up what ever I discover.

My gun is a 20" Mossberg 835, I'll post patterns of the Kicks Howler with 3" Hevishot DC T and 3" Winchester Xtended Range HD Coyote B and Carlson's DC with the Winchester load too. The Carlson's and Hevishot is pointless to post up as its an unusable pattern for me.

This is an awesome thread by the way! I've always patterned my guns but only really got in to it since having the 835 and being able to swap chokes. Searching for info on chokes for my gun is what lead me here to this very thread!
Here are a couple pics I have on hand with the Carlson's DC choke for the 835. I'm not certain the exit diameter. I've called and asked Carlson's but I've been told 3 different things. I believe it's in the neighborhood of .685 to .690.

This is my 835.

This first pattern I wasn't initially going to post because I was disappointed the pattern was so wide at 40 yards. To me, this is only a 35 to 40 yard combination but is on the pricey side if this is as good as it gets when much better performance is boasted by both manufacturers.

This is the Carlson's DC/Hevishot 3" DC T at 40 yards. I didn't circle and measure but there are a few or several hits right around POA with little difference in POI.

This next pattern is the Carlson's DC/Winchester 3" Xtended Range HD Coyote B. Noticable shift between POA and POI but still with several hits around POA. This whole pattern is around 22" in diameter in comparison to the above which is closer to 44". I'm happier with this combination for now but certainly far from settled and still looking to improve. Here's the pic;

I'll have more to come and will get a good count on pellets immediately around POA on both of those.

I appreciate all that has been contributed this far, well done gentlemen! And ladies if I've missed them in the first 16 pages!
I forgot to mention, the above pic of the Win HD B was also 40 yards. Those are 30" circles in both photos which I know doesn't apply here in the way it does wing shooting, but it helps me to see the shift in POI vs POA.

If I count correctly, in that second photo, there are 10 pellets immediately around POA and one in the bull. I know it's grainy and I apologize for the crappy iPhone pic.
Originally Posted By: MrHedgeHogHere are the results to date of the project to find the best coyote load for a new Remington 870 Tactical Express with an 18 1/2" barrel and a MagPul Stock, based on pattern testing.
Chokes Tested -- Factory Cylinder, Remington SF Turkey, Kick's Howler and Carlson Dead Coyote.
Loads Tested -- BB, Dead Coyote T, # 4 Buck, and 00 Buck.
Optic -- Sparc II Red Dot sighted in at 25 ft for POA=POI with #8 birdshot. (Took 1 shot, with adjustment, to get it dead on.)
Backstop/Targets -- Multiple layers of plywood supported by a metal stand in front of an earth berm/8" stick-on targets.
Distances -- Measured with a push-wheel measurer and marked with stakes.
Dates/Time of Testing -- Various times over a three week period in December, 2014.
Shooting Stance -- Sitting on a bucket, using a shooting stick.
Flinch Factor -- Probably a bit.
Distances Tested -- varied from 25, 40, 50 up to 60 yds.
Endpoint -- The number of hits in the 8" circle for any given load/distance/choke.
Criterion -- A minimum of 5 hits within the 8 " circle is required to be considered as "the best coyote load."
Distance Rule -- If the round didn't meet the criteria at a given distance, it did not advance to the next distance and the box is left blank.
Winning shot had to be confirmed by two more shots. Otherwise, the data is based on one round.
All targets/patterns were retained.
Based on the number of hits within the 8" circle, the only winning combination at 50 yards was the Carlson choke with the Dead Coyote T load.


Sincere thanks to everyone on this forum for giving this newbie the opportunity to get into the predator scattergun game correctly.
I was out doing some testing myself the other day and tested the Federal blue box, Federal red box vital shok, and just the Remington express all 3" in 4 buck with the Carlson Coyote choke tube and I got great results out to 40 yards. I didn't have time or extra ammo (had to save the rest for season) but I was getting around 10-13 pellets in 10" square at that yardage. But I am also using a 26" barrel Remington 870 express. This load was throwing a great circle pattern. The other two loads weren't so great. They weren't consistent. I would've thought the other loads with the wad would've patterned better. Also what was weird is I cut the Remington express apart and counted the pellets and the 3 I cut open all had 44 pellets versus the normal 41. Maybe try that? Nice review!! I'm still new to shotgunning to but thought I would throw in my experience.

Sorry I didn't see it but I over saw where you did use this load.
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I have a question; I'm wondering if anyone can diagnose what I'm seeing?

I'll explain. I'm seeing spotty distribution of pellets, like in the 40 yard photo above with the Winchester B. There are 11 hits at POA but there is no dense center anywhere on the board, only patchy groups. Through a tighter choke, I had more pellet strikes in one spot but the rest of the pattern was worse as far as looking like it was branchy if you will. Not donut like, just crazy stringy looking.

I'm not asking what constriction to use, but more a diagnosis as to what causes what I'm seeing if anyone is able. I can post more pics this evening. But what I'm thinking is that it's over constricted. I've read that most of you are using chokes in the neighborhood of .670 to .680 with 12 ga bores. I'm beginning with the .775 of the M835. So with the Carlson's coyote tube, if its .685, that's a massive constriction of .090. Carlson's has actually told me three different dimensions for that choke. One was that its actually a .690. Given that I'm using HTL loads, I'm believing it needs to be more open even with the Winchester B. Does that sound right?

Thanks again!
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The Howler showed up today and I was able to shoot several targets. I'm not impressed at this point. I don't have something I can rely on.

Howler/DC 3" T
3-5 hits in 6"
8-12 hits in 10"

Howler/Winchester 3" Coyote B
5-7 hits in 6"
11-18 hits in 10"

I'm thinking that the choke can definitely tighten up, just means sending it back and waiting for another. I just sent back a Carlson's Longbeard choke too and waiting for their ported turkey choke.

To me, that's not enough to be reliable. The big picture on those patterns is that they aren't even altogether circular or evenly dispersed. At least with the Carlson's coyote choke, the big pattern with that Hevishot was very even coverage, though there were only 3 hits anywhere around POA.

I'm not the least bit excited with the Howler choke.
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I havent tried either of those loads.But that said IMO 11-18 of those Win B in 10" should put a coyote in a world of hurt.Try some 3" 4 buckshot loads while you're at it.Cost less than those high density loads.If you can tolerate the recoil the 3.5" 4 buck is worth trying to.
The typical wingshooting 30" pattern isn't very effective on coyotes. Unless I was hunting super thick and really close range I'd much prefer to concentrate my pellets into a center dense area.

Originally Posted By: Bernie P.I havent tried either of those loads.But that said IMO 11-18 of those Win B in 10" should put a coyote in a world of hurt.Try some 3" 4 buckshot loads while you're at it.Cost less than those high density loads.If you can tolerate the recoil the 3.5" 4 buck is worth trying to.

Do you have a preferred load in 4 buck you recommend?

Originally Posted By: GCRoss...,
The typical wingshooting 30" pattern isn't very effective on coyotes. Unless I was hunting super thick and really close range I'd much prefer to concentrate my pellets into a center dense area.

Right, I'm not looking at this as wing shooting. I use the 30" in a couple ways, one is that I look at it for shift in POA/POI, but in the case described above I've listed only the hits immediately around POI, both in a 6" diameter and in a 10" diameter. Drawing a larger circle around it just gives me something to look at to analyze the pattern as whole. Is it center dense or evenly covered? Is it patchy and are there holes? Do I need to adjust POA? Is it a forgiving pattern if I'm not right on target? I know I'm a little weird, but in drawing the circle it helps me focus, otherwise it's like I don't even see it, I don't know I that makes any sense to anyone else.
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I just ordered Carlson Buckshot choke tube. Once I get it I will shoot a few and post my reviews. I also bought some 1 buck along with three different types of 4 buck. After you posted your review I went out and did a little more patterning with my Carlson Coyote. I noticed with my Carlson Coyote I get hits but the pattern isn't uniform it will string left or right or up and down. Hopefully this choke works.
Originally Posted By: BrandonU.I just ordered Carlson Buckshot choke tube. Once I get it I will shoot a few and post my reviews. I also bought some 1 buck along with three different types of 4 buck. After you posted your review I went out and did a little more patterning with my Carlson Coyote. I noticed with my Carlson Coyote I get hits but the pattern isn't uniform it will string left or right or up and down. Hopefully this choke works.

What buckshot tube is that? For the 835 they don't have a "buckshot" tube but recommend the extended super steel tubes. The only thing that has patterned well through my coyote choke is that Winchester Hi-Density B which is discontinued. That combination does around 18 hits in 40 yards. With other loads like any of the buckshot, even 4 buck, I get the stringing you mentioned too. The Hevishot Dead Coyote looked nice and circular but looked like a wing shooting pattern. Carlson's advertises dense patterns and I'm not getting that.

I returned the Kicks Howler H for the BuckKicker XFull. The Howler is .745 and the BK XFull is .720 for the 835. I fired 3 rounds of Federal Premium VitalShok 3" 4 buck copper plated 41 pellet.
1st shot. 11 hits in 10"
2nd shot. 9 hits in 10"
3rd shot. 15 hits in 10"
Averaging 12 hits over the 3 shots. The patterns aren't circular but I'm not sure what else to expect. I haven't actually found anything that looks like a decent pattern.
Originally Posted By: Rossignol Originally Posted By: BrandonU.I just ordered Carlson Buckshot choke tube. Once I get it I will shoot a few and post my reviews. I also bought some 1 buck along with three different types of 4 buck. After you posted your review I went out and did a little more patterning with my Carlson Coyote. I noticed with my Carlson Coyote I get hits but the pattern isn't uniform it will string left or right or up and down. Hopefully this choke works.

What buckshot tube is that? For the 835 they don't have a "buckshot" tube but recommend the extended super steel tubes. The only thing that has patterned well through my coyote choke is that Winchester Hi-Density B which is discontinued. That combination does around 18 hits in 40 yards. With other loads like any of the buckshot, even 4 buck, I get the stringing you mentioned too. The Hevishot Dead Coyote looked nice and circular but looked like a wing shooting pattern. Carlson's advertises dense patterns and I'm not getting that.

I returned the Kicks Howler H for the BuckKicker XFull. The Howler is .745 and the BK XFull is .720 for the 835. I fired 3 rounds of Federal Premium VitalShok 3" 4 buck copper plated 41 pellet.
1st shot. 11 hits in 10"
2nd shot. 9 hits in 10"
3rd shot. 15 hits in 10"
Averaging 12 hits over the 3 shots. The patterns aren't circular but I'm not sure what else to expect. I haven't actually found anything that looks like a decent pattern.
It is the fourth one from the bottom:

I am averaging about the same on my Coyote choke but I'm just trying to find a uniform pattern the stringing is making it unpredictable and the last thing I want to do is cripple an animal. Espcially if you have a running shot. It is sure frustrating lol

I just looked for the 835 and it doesn't look like they have on. I shoot a 870.
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Originally Posted By: BrandonU.Originally Posted By: Rossignol Originally Posted By: BrandonU.I just ordered Carlson Buckshot choke tube. Once I get it I will shoot a few and post my reviews. I also bought some 1 buck along with three different types of 4 buck. After you posted your review I went out and did a little more patterning with my Carlson Coyote. I noticed with my Carlson Coyote I get hits but the pattern isn't uniform it will string left or right or up and down. Hopefully this choke works.

What buckshot tube is that? For the 835 they don't have a "buckshot" tube but recommend the extended super steel tubes. The only thing that has patterned well through my coyote choke is that Winchester Hi-Density B which is discontinued. That combination does around 18 hits in 40 yards. With other loads like any of the buckshot, even 4 buck, I get the stringing you mentioned too. The Hevishot Dead Coyote looked nice and circular but looked like a wing shooting pattern. Carlson's advertises dense patterns and I'm not getting that.

I returned the Kicks Howler H for the BuckKicker XFull. The Howler is .745 and the BK XFull is .720 for the 835. I fired 3 rounds of Federal Premium VitalShok 3" 4 buck copper plated 41 pellet.
1st shot. 11 hits in 10"
2nd shot. 9 hits in 10"
3rd shot. 15 hits in 10"
Averaging 12 hits over the 3 shots. The patterns aren't circular but I'm not sure what else to expect. I haven't actually found anything that looks like a decent pattern.
It is the fourth one from the bottom:

I am averaging about the same on my Coyote choke but I'm just trying to find a uniform pattern the stringing is making it unpredictable and the last thing I want to do is cripple an animal. Espcially if you have a running shot. It is sure frustrating lol

I just looked for the 835 and it doesn't look like they have on. I shoot a 870.

Wow there's a lot for the 870! Yeah that stringing has been frustrating for me too. I really like the Carlson's coyote but it definitely does not work as advertised for my application. I want to try it with copper plated BB loads. Scott Carlson insists it works with the Hevishot but I've not found anything that patterns the Hevishot dead coyote well and I'm pretty much done trying. I've been experimenting and the best I'm getting is maybe 8 to 9 pellets in 10" and I can do the same thing with much less expensive loads. Why pay $50 for 10 when I can pay $15 for 10?

I've sent an email to Chuck at Kicks with photos of the set of patterns I shot with the BuckKicker XFull and the federal load for his opinion. I'll update when I hear from him. He's always been real good about responding to emails.
These are the patterns I shot over the weekend. These are the Mossberg 835 20", Kicks BuckKicker XFull .720, and Federal Premium VitalShok 3" 4 buck copper plated 41 pellet, shot at 40 yards.

I'll show all three shots in order, the 10" ring and then the whole pattern.







I'd appreciate and welcome any opinions on these patterns. The third looks decent, but otherwise I don't know what to make of it. I heard back from Chuck at Kicks after sending him these same photos, he said the patterns look great to him. I intend to experiment yet not only with this load but maybe a couple others too. I'd even like to try a copper plated lead BB through it. I have one round of Hevishot T left over which isn't really enough to get a good assessment but I've fired one already and it didn't look too bad. It was better than with the Carlson's coyote and better than the Kicks Howler H. I don't know it's worth investing another $50 in to find out if I can do the same thing for less than a third of the cost.

Thoughts? Advice?
Fifteen No. Four Buck inside 10" @ 40 yards is a coyote killer. Now surprise yourself and shoot it at 50 and 60 yards and see what happens...