
The coyotes up here definitely have a mind of their own, one will be on the bait religiously every day and the next will come around as it pleases.

As for buzzards we have none in these parts, we have a healthy population of crows but they're fair game so they don't hang around long on my piles. The bald eagles and hawks eat a little bit but I enjoy watching them.

Sensor went off at 3:30am, couldn't get a shot at him, finally fell back asleep and 4:30 the chamberlain went off again, this time mr coyote wasn't so lucky. Took him out with ol faithful. Winchester model 53 .22 hornet at about 65 yards. For a gun made in the early 1950's it shoots like a dream! Probably better than any of my other guns! Would have used the 22-250 but found out the hard way on 2 misses last week that somehow the scope got knocked out of whack. Will hopefully get a photobucket account made up here in the next few days so I can get some pics up on here.
Chamberlain's can be both a blessing and a curse in the middle of the night, eh?

Congrats on the success, always nice to have the ol' standby in the corner.
I enjoy having it go off numerous times a night. The wife though not so much! I got a feeling when I get home from work tonight the sensor and me will be making camp on the couch.
Mainah, do you have a way on the Chamberlain to attach a set of earphones or ear buds? If so, Mrs. Mainah at least wouldn't be too disturbed unless you actually got a shot.

6mm06 has his Driveway Alert rigged for headphones and it works well for him. Maybe he will respond when he reads the thread again.

Congrats on the coyote, and sounds like a sweet shooting little hornet. Will be looking forward to the pics. We like pics, lots of pics.
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Originally Posted By: Mainah22-250 she just informed me that the next one was hers. Ill take that over the couch I guess.

BUT - will she skin it, too?
Lol, I give them to a guy her dad works with and he takes care of the skinning, the guy will take road kill that crows wouldn't touch and try and save the fur! I think he uses any fur he can get as an excuse to get out of the house and into his shed away from his ol lady. But making her skin it does sound like a wonderful idea.
I don't mind skinning for my wife at all, I'm just tickled she goes with me and really participates. She can skin for sure, deer, bear whatever.


Nothing like having the Ms. along and her being a part of what we enjoy so much. It's a gift.

As to the Driveway Patrol that DoubleUp mentioned, it works great. I have both headphones
and earbuds. When I sit at the shooting table in the cabin, I have the headphones on, and
when I turn in and get comfortable in the bunk, I have a single earbud in place. It has
awakened me many times during the night when something was on the bait.



Last night the dakota alarm woke me about 2 AM,I couldn,t see anything so went back to bed.2:20 it woke me and this time I saw a coyote run by.This happened several times until It stopped.I dropped her in her tracks with a 25 gr. berger match.I,d put up a picture but I dont know how.Real nice female,for sure in heat as my lab couldn,t keep his nose out of her behind.Tiny entry hole,no exit.Right now a small bobcat is setting off the alarm.I need to move it more to the side as this cat will sit there for up to an hour and a half and he comes fairly regular.
Baiting is not a bad practice but use of deer for baiting purpose and
attraction wild dog against deer is very cruality.
Such baiting shout be banned to save deer gernation.
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James I think most people use roadkill deer in states where it is legal to pick them up. I doubt anyone shoots a deer with the specific intent to turn it into a baitpile. With any deer kill, there will be guts and other parts which are inedible that can be used for a baitpile if using game animals parts is legal in a state.
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Originally Posted By: JamesTaylorBaiting is not a bad practice but use of deer for baiting purpose and
attraction wild dog against deer is very cruality.
Such baiting shout be banned to save deer gernation.

Thats ok to feel that way where you live but here in Maine thats not accepted. Deer can travel up to 30 miles to get to a deer yard the size of a Walmart parking lot.Have you ever been in a deer yard where the snow is 6 feet deep and there are 200 deer trying to browse on feed that has been fed on for hundreds of years? Coyotes move in and it is a massacre. Some deer in parts of this State live in areas where the ground is covered in snow 5 to 6 months a year. Crusty snow any time of year has horrible consequences for our deer herd, moreso in late spring when the does are heavy with 2 or 3 fawns. Up here the coyote has the advantage so it is up to us to help even out the playing field.
NO ONE I KNOW WOULD KILL A DEER AND USE IT FOR BAIT. Roadkills yes, or hunting over a fresh deer killed by a coyote? Absolutely.
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Originally Posted By: Uncle MikeOriginally Posted By: JamesTaylorBaiting is not a bad practice but use of deer for baiting purpose and
attraction wild dog against deer is very cruality.
Such baiting shout be banned to save deer gernation.

Thats ok to feel that way where you live but here in Maine thats not accepted. Have you ever been in a deer yard where the snow is 6 feet deep and there are 200 deer trying to browse on feed that has been fed on for hundreds of years? Coyotes move in and it is a massacre. Some deer in parts of this State live in areas where the ground is covered in snow 5 to 6 months a year. Crusty snow any time of year has horrible consequences for our deer herd, moreso in late spring when the does are heavy with 2 or 3 fawns. Up here the coyote has the advantage so it is up to us to help even out the playing field.
NO ONE I KNOW WOULD KILL A DEER AND USE IT FOR BAIT. Roadkills yes, or hunting over a fresh deer killed by a coyote? Absolutely.
Well put. I use road kill deer and moose and when I am out I got to a butcher shop and get bones lungs and the such from them.
Originally Posted By: JamesTaylorBaiting is not a bad practice but use of deer for baiting purpose and
attraction wild dog against deer is very cruality.
Such baiting shout be banned to save deer gernation.

looks like a troll has entered our mix, trying to stir the pot can't even type in english
I think you're right Dannyk....He has a total of 5 posts. I know there is a way to see the other 4 posts but I don't know how to do it. Can you?

EDIT; Nevermind, I just saw on his profile section how to view his past posts.....he sounds like a germaphode (sp) Most of the 4 other posts are about germs and desease. I guess that has some valid points to be fair and balanced...
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I'll call a black horse "black." James Taylor, you are one narrow-minded individual in my opinion, too quick and judgemental, and no doubt limited in your experiences. OR, you're a trouble maker. OR, all the above. That's why I won't pay any real attention to anything else you might have to say.

A Newby with only 5 posts and already criticizing and slinging mud to long-time members, people who have good reputations, good hunting experiences, knowledge and who have contributed a lot to this forum.

BUT, we have this thing in America called FREEDOM, which includes freedom of opinion and expression. Therefore, I am trying to respect you, but I'll admit I'm struggling with that.
