
Originally Posted By: gobblergetterCoyote Recovery Update:
I recovered the coyote I shot on the 17th!
Have done several blind searches and was able to find her this afternoon. Yeeaaa!
Will post picture when able.

Good job putting down the tripod. Unfortunately I think I made a tripod last night. Longish range, thought it was a miss until I watched the video and saw it nip at it's front leg area now and then as it left.
Burnsome- Good deal taking out that tripod coyote. What was in the tree? Looked like a raccoon or a cat.

Gobblergetter- Now that's keeping on it like a bull terrier. Good on you for finding him and putting a wrap on that chapter.
Originally Posted By: wildflightsBurnsome- Good deal taking out that tripod coyote. What was in the tree? Looked like a raccoon or a cat.

Thanks Gents. That's a raccoon WF. Part of my early warning system. They get quite fat though feasting on the bait pile.
Burn - congrats on your cripple coyote. You probably did it a favor.

As promised here is my recovered coyote from Feb. 17th. Pretty well intact except for where a bird plucked a small hole in her side there.
She weighed in at 32.6 lbs. but that is 10 days later.
I found her closer to where she was shot than I would have ever thought. I'm used to tracking deer where they regularly run off in a somewhat straight line. This big girl arced back around towards the bait sight. She taught me a new lesson in coyote hunting.
Week - I don't know exactly the distance she ran but where she ended up was probably 50 or 60 yards from the bait site or from where she was shot.
female coyote #2 recovered Feb. 27, 2022 pond stand area by Gobbler Getter, on
2022-03-01_11-29-55 by Gobbler Getter, on Flickr
Buzzards didn't want that one. I have heard that some buzzrds won't eat a coyote but I can't confirm that. Glad you found it cause it hurts to lose them and not know, especially when you feel like you done your part right.

Good job, Burn. I have seen several tripod coyotes here over the years. About a month ago one showed up that is missing a front leg all the way up to the shoulder, and one back leg appears crippled. Trail cameras got video. He looks pretty healthy considering his handicap.

Glad you found the coyote, Gobbler.

Just a note that I am at my shack tonight and dropped a coyote shortly after 8:00 PM. There were two. The other one high tailed it out of there, and the one I shot ran like a scaled cat. He didn’t quite make it over the ridge top before dropping. I could see blood spray through the thermal. I am hoping the other will return. Will post photos and video later once I get it worked up. This is being posted via my iphone.

BP- I too was surprised of her overall good condition at 10 days old. Won't lie, she had a rotting smell about her though. Even after dragging her out a half mile back to my truck, nothing fell off. Pretty amazing. Certainly cooler temps helped with preservation.
I stripped off the tail as a keepsake and skun out just the skull. Waiting for the beetles to clean that up for me.
Week - Agreed.
That whole hunt was haunting me. Thinking at first that she ran off without the shot being a fatal one. But it was ya'll's comments that encouraged and assured me it was a dead coyote. I just needed to find her.. So thanks everyone. Ya'll are the best!
Just saw your post 06. One down and one to go tonight. Git'em!
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Well, I finally got last night's coyote video uploaded.

Two coyotes showed up early, slightly after 8:00 PM. I shot one which ran like a scaled cat - with a heart shot. He tried to make it up over the ridge top in the distance but just didn't have enough steam left. The second coyote high tailed it out of there.

This is the 4th coyote I have taken with the new AGM Rattler TS25 thermal scope. Though it only has a 1.5x base magnification, it is more than adequate for the distances I shoot. I took one coyote at 90 yards and a crow at 96 yards. This particular coyote was about 65 yards. I thought the distance was a bit further (difficult to tell at night) so I held a little bit low thinking about trajectory. The bullet hit exactly where I was aiming, thus a heart shot. The 70 gr. Sierra Blitz King made a nasty entrance and exited. The crosshair appears white in the video even though I currently have it set on red. I think someone mentioned that the latest firmware takes care of that.

Large male. I drug him up on the flat above the ridge for this photo.




This is where he dropped on the steep hill side.

