
Last year was my first year baiting.No alarm just looking out when I had to get up,or just couldn't sleep.I killed 8,5 were coyotes.This year I have the alarm wich works great but only 1 coyote,and several gray fox.If it wern't for the bobcats it would be pretty dull.Last night the alarm went off alot for the first time in a week or more.A small cat was on my north bait wich is 80 yards into a swamp.At 1:30 I saw the first coyote in weeks on my south bait 110 yards in the hard woods.I only glimpsed him run off and didnt see him again.No alarms yet tonight but Im in the game again,oh be still my heart.

Not a lot of sleep last night. First alarm at 7:30 (still awake) was a coyote just after dark – one quick visit and gone. Fell asleep at 9 on the couch, woke half an hour later for the bobcat’s first appearance of the night. He stayed for half an hour, ate up most of my scraps, GRRRR, then took off. Next was the coyote’s 2nd turn around 10 – another hit and run… Bobcat showed again just before midnight, not much food so was out of there in a few minutes. More coyote visits at 1:30, 2:15, 3, and 4:30. Each time, was gone within a minute or two with no chance to set up for a good shot. One time, was surprised to see the coyote out about 10 yards from the house, sniffing my old track! At this point, I decided to just stay up and scan for eyes instead of waiting for an alarm. Finally, at 5am this one hung around just a minute too long and I dropped him in his tracks. Beautiful fur on this male, not huge - guessing 30 lbs, but might have to send it out to be tanned.


Here’s a clip of the shot, with just about a second or two left on the camera. Never moved a muscle….

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That's great Lefty. Good video and nice looking outfit.

That coyote does have a pretty coat. He will make a nice mount, plus the fact you got him on video. He certainly went down fast.

What bullet & cartridge did you use?

How difficult / easy is it to manage the PVS-14 with it sticking so far rearward?

How do you have it attached to the scope ocular? Is it a special adapter?

blusam- 95 yards away, shot with a .223 T/C Venture Predator, 55 gr V-max round. Love this gun, bought around Thanksgiving, tackdriver right out of the box. 8 shots fired with it, 8 dogs down. (Knocks on wood.)

6-06 - PVS-14 mounts right to the scope using HTRN's jackrabbit mount. No POA shift in any of my shots, attaches in under 10 seconds with eyes closed or in the dark. I'm shooting off a bipod and sandbag, no trouble with it sitting back a bit. IF I was going to call with it, would have to move forward for sure, but I think it would work out ok.

Lefty, does the jackrabbit mount fit different scope oculars? I'm curious if one mount will work with several scopes.

I finally got the bobcat video uploaded. I have really enjoyed watching this cat. The up-close camera caught some good scenes.

6mm06 great vidio,It looked to me like the cat that came 53 seconds in was a different cat.It didnt seem to have the heavy spotting and darker back legs of most of the vidios.Seemed to have quite different markings,what do you think?
Last night I saw a pair of small eyes on my 80 yd. bait.I had to get a 14 power scope and use a bright light to see that it was a flying squirrel eating my bait.Alarms were not working last night and right now a cat is sitting in front of the dakota alarm and its not working.Im going to have to send them back.Most people seem to love the dakota alarms but Ive had problems with mine.anyone else use dakota's?
Been telling a deer hunting buddy about some of the action I've been having, and he's been drooling about possible coming and staying a night at my house for a try at one after dark.

So, this morning I practiced a little "catch and release" on one. This guy had no idea how lucky he was, coulda been dropped at least 20 times. Instead, I sent my buddy a couple pics, told him he has 72 hrs to claim his prize, or I'll take matters into my own hands.



After all, what are for friends for?

JMark, in one video the cat looked a bit smaller in the face than in another one, but I discounted it due to looking at it from a different angle. You may be right, maybe there are two cats. I hadn't really considered that, but maybe I need to take a closer look.

Lefty, you are just getting better by the day with your posts. Those are fantastic photos. How did you do that?

lefty, tic toc tic toc - how much time does that yote have left? -- great pics - thanks ---- that thompson center 223 you picked up sounds nice. talked with a gun shop guy/coyote hunter who bought one this year as well in snow camo -----loves his as well he's dropped quite a few this year. maybe thompson got over some of there issues. sounds like they are worth checking out I been wanting a 223.
Man Lefty, you sure are a good friend. I don't know if I could keep from letting the air out of that nice looking coyote. Great pictures too. Through the scope pictures are tough to get right sometimes.

Today I checked trail cameras, hadn't checked them in two days. The bobcat returned both nights, and surprised me with a daytime visit at 4:12 PM yesterday afernoon.

As well, early this morning at 1:22 AM a coyote visited the site. He was really nervous and scared but finally took a few bites of the bait and tugged at it a bit. Even after eating a bite or two, he still wasn't comfortable and left. I'm hoping he will be back.

I had planned to stay at the cabin tonight in hopes of getting the coyote, but the forecast is calling for 1-5 inches of snow. A few minutes ago it was almost white-out with snow coming down hard. Now the sun is shinning. I guess I'll wait until tomorrow night.

Here's some photos from video.







