where do you live

Salina, Kansas has been my home for most of my adult life (about 15 of the last 25, off & on).
If I had my choice, I'd live in the country, or at least in a small town of 200-1500 people.
But I live here because I can't afford to live out of Salina, yet work here...and Salina's the only place I can get a job, locally.
Plus, both my oldest son & my youngest son live less than 2 miles from me. (oldest is married, youngest is still in high school & lives w/mom)
The middle son lives wherever Uncle Sam tells him to...currently Iraq.
I live in Bellevue washington.Born here 55yrs ago.
Proud union carpenter,and Ive raised my boy,s here.
I like washington for all its diverse hunting and fishing.
I enjoy this site and knowing were everyone is from.
Thanks for all your post and pictures! Rick