What's your take on the caravan?



The Navy intercepted a boatload of people off the Texas coast today.


This placed the Navy in an awkward position as the boat was not heading
to the USA, but towards Mexico and Central America

Another surprise finding was the people were white Americans. Their claim was that they were trying to get to Central
America or Southern Mexico as they wanted to return to the US as illegal
immigrants. Then they would be entitled to far more benefits than they
were receiving as legitimate American retirees.

It is believed the Navy gave them food, water and fuel and assisted them
on their journey.

My wife and I are booking on the next boat out. Let me know if you want to join us.

Hmmm, sounds like a plan to me! Back them up on the Mexican side so it becomes their problem also, maybe then they will then start to secure their Southern border and not allow every illegal unrestricted passage to the US.
It was reported that almost 1700 migrants were granted asylum by Mexico, and another 500 accepted return bus tickets to Honduras. The 1700, they are the smart ones, now they are semi residents of Mexico, when all of the "hoopla" of the news and everything dies down. they can slip across the border in to the States.