Understanding coyote vocals?

Originally Posted By: Tactical .20Bill Austin's tapes explain it better than I have seen. Recommended to me by the master Craig O'Gorman. He goes into great detail on the vocalization of the coyotes. Gives examples, expains how they are supposed to sound, when to use the sound, what the sound is for. I have his sets of tapes yet. His calls and ect were last sold out of TX I believe. He was supposed to be the first guy to make his own call to mimic the coyote sounds. He killed only 10,000 in his 30 yr career, O'Gorman is passing 39,000 trapping calling, shooting, m44, airplane, in his 40+ yr career!

that o'gorman guy is crazy! that means if he has 39,000 coyotes killed in 40 years then he would have to kill roughly 1000 coyotes a year, since their is roughly 365 days a year than he would have to kill around 3 coyotes a day in that period every day for 40 years. pretty impressive.