Ohio Roll Call

Originally Posted By: 22-250ohioHey remember I know how to turn yours off tim


You talk to Mike ?
Originally Posted By: 22-250ohioHey remember I know how to turn yours off tim

Tim, don't worry. He never gets out of the truck and he has a new crew. You are safe...... Lol
I think he brought that weather back to ohio with him.....

Of course it did get some deer moving. Wifey shot a doe and killed a tree branch that was between her and about a 150 class buck.
Originally Posted By: rletts77I think he brought that weather back to ohio with him.....

Of course it did get some deer moving. Wifey shot a doe and killed a tree branch that was between her and about a 150 class buck. Sounds like my shooting
She's sick about it. Biggest buck she's seen. She's already got a 9 point, 7 point and a doe and only been at it 3 yrs. so she's not doing bad.

Gun week starts Monday. Woods will be fulllll of people. Few yrs ago I had a slug in the front door.
Took the son out Saturday for the youth season. Have seen a monster buck laying on a hillside behind my buddys house for a week catching the sun rays, been walking in bout 830-900 am every morning like clock work. There's a standing corn field on top of the hill bout 10-15 acres. Sat around till bout 2p nothing happening but a bunch of does cruising by, so we decide to leave. Buddy calls bout 4p said the farmer moved in to cut the corn and had counted 5 different bucks walking out the side of the hill from 330-4p Talk about a 12 yr old boy that is stomping mad!
That sucks!

They finally started cutting corn by where we hunt. Just in time for shotgun week and all the fellers hunting of their 4 wheelers.
Now we have to wait for the pumpkin gang to hunt this week before we can get after some fur. Been down with my knee do I haven't been out at all
Good luck to all you guys getting out for gun season. Be safe
It's been 3 weeks to the day for me being down with my shoulder... Kinda sucks, but I can still run the foxpro remote for my son. Let's say we've been hunting some easy hunting ground and been watching every foot step! Gonna hit a deer ground blind 2night in a corn field farmer must've miss loaded some corn cause there's a big ole pile of corn. Got some trail cam pics of 2 yotes standing in the middle of the corn pile eating it. Wouldn't believe that 1 till I seen the pic!
Any1 have hunting on the agenda with this snow on?. Me and the boy seen a big big yote trying to run down 2 lil fawns for brunch 2day. It was amazing. It was crazy, he was trying like he77 to catch 1, but they would just out run him, stop, let him catch up, then take off again. I know yotes can run , but i couldnt believe how fast they really can run trying to catch the deer. Prolly bout 5 min of action out in the middle of a corn field. Then they all ran in a woods.
That would have been something to see!!

I'll be working tomorrow. Then out of town for a few days. No hunting for me. Deer gun season is winding down. Haven't heard any success stories yet.
Originally Posted By: rletts77That would have been something to see!!

I'll be working tomorrow. Then out of town for a few days. No hunting for me. Deer gun season is winding down. Haven't heard any success stories yet. Read my story a few posts back about the corn field... We've hunted on and off through this weeks hardships of hunting. Seen a few small deer. I don't care to shoot anymore, I'm out for some action for my boy. Well any way buddy called and said u need to come to the corn field. And granted we've hunted all around the corn field and seen nothing. Bout 15 min til dark a coyote crossed the corn field, thought there goes our chances now. It's snowing so hard it's almost a white out. By now its past shooting time. I brought my hand held ps32 to help us on the find if we were lucky to shoot 1 before dark, I looked out across the field with the hand held, they are coming in by the herds now. All in all counted 25 deer in that field with the ps32 and I hunted there on and off all week, and seen two fawns. I'd like to know where they are hiding!
That sounds like my kinda luck. I did sit in a tree for about 4 hours and didn't see anything till I walked back to the truck in the dark. When I hit the remote to unlock the doors I saw a deer trot off. It was about 20 yards beyond the truck. I believe it was a lookout for the rest of the deer; making sure I left.

One feller I work with shot a nine point this week. Ohioyotehntr sent me a pic of a big ol buck shot in pike county. Other than that I've not heard much. I would have liked to go out yesterday with the snow on the ground but ended up having to work 6 days this week. No bonus gun weekend this year. May try muzzleloader. If not I'll dig out my caller and AR and chase some coyotes.
Knee is good. Sore, but I am back to work so I can do what I wany.
Just ready for everything to calm down from deer season so I can get to calling. This snow would have been great if it was 2 weeks from now. Hope we get some more!!
anyone hunt AEP lands? I do a lot of camping and fishing there in the summer and constantly hear coyotes all night pretty much every time im down there.