New Laser Designator

Man you guy are on the stick. I seen this in Predator Xtreme mag last week at a friends and have been looking for info for the last 2 days because I could not remeber the web site.

Thanks everyone.
interesting for sure....

I am thinking ND5 and Badger rings
talked to BSA rep today.

said ND5 not built to scope mount... no shock resistance in it. might ruin unit.

also, shut down fast in cooler to cold temps. Will not function below freezing in most cases.

not very applicable to night hunting in my area then...
I purchased an ND3 about a month ago. It worked great when the temperature was warmer. When the outside temperature went down, the laser started fading on me. I contacted lasergentics and talked to two different people yesterday. I also got an email from them that said the the best temperature to was from from about 57 to 87 degrees. Email also stated that it would not function fully in cold AND high heat situations. Told me that a FoxPro hunting team was trying them out and that they were putting hand warmers on them. I tried it last night with a small hand warmer and it seemed to work for a while, but then the laser disappeared completely. I will continue to experiment with it. I could probably use it 9 months out of the year here in Texas. I have found the optimum use is to view through your binoculars. You can spot eyes deeper in the woods that you can with a regular spotlight. I usually hunt alone. If I had a buddy that I hunted with consistently, I would get the ND5 instead. Much stronger laser and easier to operate. Not a scope mount, but would use just like a regular spotlight. There is great value in this technology, just not sure they have the bugs worked out. Hope they do.
I have several posts about my use of the ND3. It does not like cold weather and apparently very hot weather. See my other posts to see what I have discovered. I am keeping mine even with the problems. It is a great aide to night hunting.
after further that its cold out, the only time I really need it, it does not work with prolonged exposure to cold when coyote hunting! BSA acknowledged the issue and will not grant a refund for they're defective product!
If it is in the 40's or 50's I wrap an ace bandage around it and has been workin ok. Lower 40's or 30's I put hand warmers inside the wrap and it is working fine. I have an email into Lasergenetics requesting that they develop a sleve or something for us. So far no reply. Is there a product that will produce a small amount of heat from a battery such as a AA. I will be keeping mine, I think it is worth the hassle, but Lasergenetics needs to give us a little slack for those who want to send them back.
I talked to them yesterday. Sleeve/snuggie thing will be out around shot show time. I'd be fine rigging it to work if it was a $75 item. They're sorry bout your luck, with our known defective product response, pissed me off. Especially after they said they were seeing the issue with the pre release units, but didnt think about cold weather useage.
i'm sure a hand warmer would cure this issue as some e-callers need the same thing in winter weather. i would love to see this produced in red light instead of green.has any one test these on coyotes and what did you think?
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Only thing that I have seen to balk at the light was a bunch of "Mississipi Kites" a few weeks back on my brother in laws wheat field. They would run from it. The hand warmer deal is okay, but with this big snow this week, I was out Christmas eve and it faded on me pretty quick. I have taken in off my rifle for now. I plan on using it as a spot light and hold in in my hand to keep warm. I will put it inside my coat every now and then to help. As I was thinking about this last night while taking it down, I think I will put the mount back up, (bottom half) and put some velcro on it. Put a small strip on my ND3. Then I can use it as a spotlight and then if a varmint gets close, quickly set it on top of the scope mount. Might work -- R&D .......
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I got some pictures for you guys of it on my AR. Hopefully I'll test it out tonight on some pigs and sit on my tripod by my tank; see if anything comes in.



Here I'm just pointing it at my door; got some cabin fever with this snow!


I stepped outside and used my ND3 as a spotlight looking through my binoculars. Holding it in my hand kept it warm. It worked very well. I moved it to the smallest setting, and was amazed how far I could see and make out the object I was looking at. One of our gates, going in to our north pasture, is 300 yards plus from the house. I could see the gate almost "plain as day". Not sure what the coyotes will think about it hitting them with the smaller laser full blast. What did you wrap around the laser? I hear they (Lasergenetics are making a sleve of sometype to help with the issue.