
Dipped from the time I was around 10 until I was around 37 or so. Been done with the stuff for 7 or so years. Hope to never go back. Hang in there it ain't easy but it is worth it. You can use all that money you spend on expensive bad habits on expensive hobbies. 5.00 a day times 365 is 1825.00 that's a pretty nice coyote rig. Thats what finally got me, I just could not bring myself to spit a 1865.00 gun out the window every year and be less healthy for it.

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Do the best you can, I smoked a pack and a half a day, chewed, and dipped for almost 20 years. Tried to quit several times, once quit for a year. I quit cold turkey the day I found out I was going to be a dad. I just needed the right reason. I think you have the right reason by reading your post. Just remember why you quit when you get the urge. The hardest time I had in stopping was when I went fishing, Habits!!! Best of luck to you! its been 12 years.
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I have a friend who's son started dipping like Dad when he made the Jr. High football team. Developed a lesion and cancer ended up spreading throughout his jaw and on. Went through 4-5 years of he!! He was dead at 19. My friend will never be the same.

I think of this every time I attend a sporting event that they are giving this stuff away at. Not preaching just an FYI. I've had and still have plenty of my own vices. To each his own but Dad is a powerful influence.
Chantix and will power. It will be 3 years in January. I want a chew everyday. I dipped cope from 15 and quit when I was 25.

It's so gross and I literally hated myself.

Just quit. Try and try again.
Originally Posted By: Ricky BobbyJust wanted to mention that when you're trying to quit something & you maybe catch yourself cheating ... don't lose faith! I smoked for 12 years(a full pack a day) & have now been smoke free for 10 years. I started and stopped smoking so many times during the last couple years that I lost track. Anyway, I think that is how I finally kicked it. I finally got so disgusted of myself for starting again & eventually said "enough is enough". You gotta want it bad enough! Plain & simple.

You can quit!

AMEN Ricky Bobby!!
I smoked Lucky Strikes for 25 yrs when the wife was pregnant with my youngest daughter and having problems the Dr. said my smoking was affecting her breathing as well as the baby I quit cold turkey, but started to chew Mail Pouch for 5 yrs until I noticed stains on the paneling beside our bed and asked the wife what that was and she said I would spit on the wall in my sleep and one night I had spit on her quit that also before I woke up with knots on my head. That has been 33 yrs ago. Hardest thing now to do is loose weight was 200 lbs then 240 now.
i made a 100.00 bet with my karate teacher and we quit right is all in your mind if you really want to you can it is not any harder than you make it.they have a snuff that is called smokey mountain made from corn silk and herbs that might take the edge off for you.smokin and chewing are stupiddddddd habits.cold turkey
My father began smoking when he was in the Army during Vietman, and smoked for years after that. I can remember seeing his pack of Vantage in his shirt pocket and remember him going outside to smoke after dinner. When I was around 8, he left his pack on the dresser and left for work and never has touched one since. He will to this day still tell me that the smell of a fresh lit cigrette will spark his interests.

Growing up in South/Central Texas, everyone dips snuff and most dip Copenhagen. It has been heartbreaking for my parents to see my nasty bottles in my truck or if I forget to take the can out of my pocket before we go to dinner or over to their hours I will catch world of He11. I know, its horrible stuff and wish I had never began with the habbit. I am a Texas Tech alumi and believe me it was thick at that University, even in my fraternity. Its was always just what everyone did.

I grew up with NO alcohol in my house period. My father and I did not have our first beer together until I was 23 and deer hunting on a out of state trip. I grew up in a very southern Baptist household and would not trade it for any upbringing.

I was going to report on this post that I have gone an entire day without a single dip of snuff today...but I was just handed a very personally devistating blow from my wife tonight. Did not make it without a snuff:( I guess it will be me and my little girl from now on.


She is already on the reloading table!
I was a smoker for several years. I quit a few times but would start back up 6 months or so later. I quite cold turkey one night when I was at my friends house. We were sitting in his backyard around a fire and eating fish that we had caught the weekend before. After dinner I had the "after dinner smoke" and looked across the fire to see my friend's little boy smoking a stick. Every time I took a drag he would do the same. I felt about as low as one could seeing a three year old emulating you. It cut straight through me and that's when I took the pack out of my shirt pocket and threw them in the fire. I haven't touched a cigarette in 13 years. The best thing you can do is make up your mind that you truly want to quit and then follow through with it. You have to commit yourself 100% to it and stick with it. The first week or two is the roughest but stick with it and you will get over it.
One of my favorite quotes

"I didn't say it would be easy, I said it would be worth it"

I think of this quote when i don't want to do my daily workout or when someone offers me a piece of chocolate and i turn it down. I am now 34 yrs old and in the best shape of my life.
Originally Posted By: boscoA friend of mine who is a long time Copenhagen user is going through radiation and chemo.He had to get a feeding tube put in his stomach because the treatment leaves his mouth so sore he cant eat.After the treatment they will do a surgery which will leave him scarred for life.If he could talk to you he would say,QUIT! DO IT NOW! And for those of you that notice any strange white patches or lumps in your mouth for gods sake go to the Doc!

This is the norm. Start of with a sore lump in your mouth/tongue/throat. An ENT is consulted and biopsies are done. Fast forward to after you meet your oncologist who tells you the treatment is to brutal you can't work, you will not be able to take food in via your mouth, the radiation treatments burn your skin so bad that you require a morphine drip at times in the hospital. The sores in your mouth are on fire. You have a hole in your belly with a tube coming out of it so your wife can feed you 6-8 cans of food a day to keep you going(when your at home). When your GI tract starts sluffing off from the chemo/radiation,which it will, you have to be in-patient the REST of your treatment and be placed on IV nutrition to give your gut a rest and finish your chemo/radiation regimen. Now your so beat down that you can't even crawl out of bed. So you get pneumonia and require even more intense IV medications......

Paints a pretty vivid picture doesn't it?
Originally Posted By: Clayne_BFunny to see this thread...

I forgot my fresh can of Copenhagen wintergreen sitting on my desk at the house when I left work this morning. I carpool to work. So once im at work im at work till its time to car pool back to the neighbor hood.

Anyways I texted my wife and asked her to throw away my new can so when I got home I would not have any. I figured a day at work with out it should be a darn good start. I have been chewing for 7 years now.

I have a 3 year old son and a 5 year old daughter. I catch my son spitting on the ground when were out side. Like daddy does.... F this stuff im done!!!

Got home and the wife had forgot that I asked her to throw my can of chew away... So sitting there on the computer looking at that dam can... reading this thread. I opened the can and smelt it and then got up and dumped it in the toilet and threw the can in the trash.
That's it I'm done too. Thanks for the inspiration guys. Been chewing and smoking off and on since I was 10. Hopefully this thred inspirers more to do the same.

I quite 2 years ago, the best thing I found was Hooch Herbal Snuff. It was the closest thing to actual chew that I could find. they have all the major flavors, Spitfire is my Favorite. just Google it.

Good Luck!!!! I know if I can quit anyone can.
I chewed for at least 15 years. quit the day after thanksgiving 1996. Started chewing the fake stuff, I think it was called Redwood or something like that, it was just some herbs and hay and other gross slimey crap I think. Anyway, after about a week of that, I didn't wan't anything in my mouth anymore. I did eat like a pig for several months though. It was so bad that I could eat till I was so full that I couldn't swallow another bite, but I was still starving and craving food. I gained a few -dozen- pounds in 6 months. I still dream about chew once in awhile, but it's always a bad dream- like my mouth is plumb full of copenhagen and I can't get it spit out and I'm gagging on it. It must be a subconcious defense mechanism kicking in to make sure I don't ever start chewing again.

Good Luck on your quest to quit, It's the best life change I ever made.

On a side note, my wife smoked for 20+ years, bought a car without an ashtray, quit cold turkey, and didn't gain a pound.
You have to really want to quit or it won't happen. Knowing you should and really wanting to are two different things. Once you make up your mind that you don't want it, it's just a matter of not buying a can. It's not easy, but it gets easier and it's doable without gimmicks. When I made up my mind to quit, I just did it although I did buy one relapse can after about a week because I was constipated. Couldn't figure it out and was complaining. Somebody said "did you quit smoking recently?" After realizing this was probably true I bought one more can and weaned myself. Problem solved

I still chew about 5 or 6 cans of Cope a year, mostly during hunting season. I want to chew when I hunt, but at home with my family I don't want to and I don't.
Well boys this article really got me thinking ...I believe I am going to have to hang up the Copenhagen with you...didnt really notice how long I have been chewing until I read this.....12 years and I am not even 30 yet.....that's it I am done ....I am actually kinda disgusted this worm dirt has this many people filling bad about there self's .....LETS QUIT IT NOW....I am with you guys !!!