We've come along way.


Retired PM Staff
I went fishing yesterday with another member here. He has a modern boat with things I didnt even know existed. A sonar set up that is so sensitive you can see you crappie jig all the way down it 25ft of water and watch the fish approach and bite, it's kind of like video game fishing. He doesn't need an anchor, his trolling motor is tied to his gps and he just sets where he wants to be and the trolling motor just hovers over the spot. Just traveling to the fishing spots just about scared me to death 200hp pushing a boat through the whitecaps at 50+mph, I wanted a full body harness not just a grab handle.

I had a BLAST, it was a.long way from me as a kid with a handline over the side of a wooden row boat. As a bonus I got to ring home a nice meal.of.crappies we tossed back the bass and catfish we caught. It was just an fun day on the water.
Butte, I've never fished Butte before amazing structure compared to Caballo. I will head to Caballo next week again.

I think the wind we are having is a big factor on shooting carp I went out on the river after dark and the carp were moving into the shallows again. I have a light on my bow and a good headlamp but they are spooky, missed the three shots I had but that was better than the zero shots earlier in the day.