Thermion XP50 vs XL50 comparison? Looking for input.

There is some science that goes into gaining "sufficient" magnification with a thermal using a true HD sensor. IF Iray wanted a 4x base using the 1280 with the 12 µm, the lens would have to be close to 150mm.
I've been using the 2x for quite a while now and have zero issue with it. I have also used the new Hybrid 75 that has the 4x base. I honestly prefer the 2x.
I really like my 2.5x base on my MK3 35 IR-Hunter...and was surprised by my IR-HUNTER- 35-2 at 1.75x in more open properties but The main reason I got it was hunting tight residential properties where the fields or yards were 25- 100 yards wide or deep. It also has pulled through on kills out to 300.
My Trail XP50( that I use as a scanner now) was the best of both worlds with the really shined on multiples since the base is 1.6x and kept the wide FOV and had PIP at 6.4x or 12.8x- we all know what happened to the Trails with poi shift.