NEW Shotgun Pattern Test Results - Detail & Pic' heavy...

Process on buying a Browning Silver Lightning 12ga. 28" modified chock with three Invector-Plus™ choke tubes. Been shooting Brownings since I was 17. So what is the best size of shotgun shells I can buy to add this to my stands?
No experience with the choke you asked about yucca, however, Indian Creek makes the best turkey choke on the market. It wouldn't surprise me if the Indian Creek predator chokes in the right constriction wouldn't shoot at least as well as anything else. I have a couple of Black Diamond Strike chokes and have done a ton of patterning turkey loads and just a little shooting with predator loads. What little bit of predator load testing I've done looks very encouraging. I need to make some time to really wring them out with some tungsten predator loads.
Ok I will say that in the real world I would never take this shot. It is just to easy to get on the rifle. But at the range here is the results from the Mad Dog pounder fired at 70 yards from an 870 supermag turkey with a 23 inch barrel.
.710 constriction.

Dead coyote 3.5":

Win 3.5" 4buck:

Well I cannot get the photos to show up very well. I do like the results at 50 and 60 yards with the 3.5 dead coyote t. We also tested the same choke in a 870mag with various 3 inch loads. It was very impressive at fifty yards with Federal premium 3 inch 4 buck.
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Looks pretty thin right now... lol. Work on those pic's!
Originally Posted By: hm1996Federal Coyote Heavyweight 3" BB: 7 in black, 28 center,46 total:


I think you may be overchoking that load....

I'll repost my findings on this load.
(My report - reposted from another board)

I've been intrigued with this load since it's introduction last year.
Since I have nothing better to do I dropped the coins and thought I'd give it a whirl.


Federal Premium VShok 1 1/2 oz BB Heavyweight (Tungsten) @ 1350 fps
The key component here is Federal's FlightControl wad.

Now this stuff ain't cheap. At $4.80 a round, I was thinking there is no way in [beeep] this could be worth it.
One of the problems we face here in Oklahoma is that we are limited by shot size restrictions for hunting. The regulations state that nothing larger than BB can be used to hunt. That rules out "T" shot (Dead Coyote) and #4 buck.

I have had success in the past with Remington HD BB, and limited success with lead BB and HD #2. I have also had the experience of having to shoot a coyote multiple times to keep em down, although the HD BB put them down and kept them down the best.
HD BB runs over $2.00 a round. Emptying your magazine at the limits of your patterns range can cost money.

On to the tests.

I contacted Fedral Ammunition and they recommended a full choke for this load. In the past I had used various turkey chokes and a Carlson's Dead Coyote choke to pattern with various results. Because of the nature of the FlightControl wad, a tighter choke "strips" the wad away from the shot, so the more "open" chokes are recommended.

45 yds Federal Heavyweight Coyote 8.5 inch paper plate Remington FULL choke


At first I was impressed with the pellets on target. This was for sure a dead coyote. But after further review I asked myself "Where the [beeep] did the rest of the pellets go?"
It was obvious that the pattern was not optimal.
So I switched to a modified.

45 yds Federal Heavyweight Coyote 8.5 inch paper plate Remington MOD choke


These results were much better with a more uniform pattern. Actually, it was exactly what I was looking for.
It was similar to 40 yards patterns that I had tested last year with Rem HD BB and tight turkey chokes. At 45 yds, my patterns with the Rem HD were really starting to fall apart. (Sorry, no pics.)

You can compare that to this pattern though.

45 yds Winchester SuperX 1 5/8 ounce lead BB Remington MOD choke

At this point I was out of ammo. I had to adjust my point of aim on previous shots to center the patterns. My shotgun was obviously shooting to the right, although the above pics were taken with an adjusted POA.
Here's what the patterns were like without an adjusted point of aim.

45 yards Federal VShok Heavyweight Coyote Rem MOD choke (Non adjusted point of aim)


As you can see above, the pattern is excellent, but the bead sight is off a little. This is the other reason why you must pattern your shot. Each shotgun is different. It is in your best interests to know what your gun does regarding patterns and POA/POI.

Out of ammo and the shotgun is shooting to the right.
The first problem was easy- order more ammo.
The second problem involved combing the internets for advice.

While I awaited more ammo, I hit various forums for advice.
My thanks to Ulysses at ShotgunWorld for the simple solution.

With the POI being slightly right, the simple solution was to get my cheekweld slightly left. I accomplished this by wrapping my stock with some nylon paracord.
This fix corrected the POI to the left where I wanted it, but also moved the POI up as you will see below. I can adjust bead placement on the target to remedy this.

The ammo came in and I was wondering about different distances to the target.
All of my longer range shots were taken sitting in my coyote hunting position, with my knees up and weakside forearm resting on my knee.
I decided to spend $4.80 on a standing 25 yard shot at a 6 inch coffee can lid.
This picture shows the lid, my shotgun's stock wrap, and a FlightControl wad from previous testing.


That is one very messed up 25 yard coyote!!!

I did three more rounds from a distance of 55 yards. This was beyond my comfortable range with Remington HD.
Here's a picture of the pattern.

52 yards Federal Premium VShok Heavyweight Coyote Remington MOD choke 6 inch coffee can lid


As you can see, it's an excellent pattern, although the POI is slightly high. I can adjust for that.
The shotgun is a Remington 870 Express Tactical with the 18 inch RemChoke barrel.

My final thought is that this ammo is phenomenal. It carrys tungsten alloy BB down range faster and harder than Remington HD BB, and patterns much better at range also.
I will be using this ammo this fall in areas where "Shotgun Only" restricts me from using a rifle. I will also be carrying lead BB for finishing shots if necessary.

Remember, YMMV. You won't know what your shotgun's capabilities are until you test it. It can mean the difference between success and failure in the field.
Good luck all and thanks for reading.

Did my first patterning of the gun today, Turns out i bought the gobble stopper choke for a 835/935 and not a 500/maverick so all I had to work with was the full accuchoke.

I only shot one load remmington 3" #4 buck (41 pellets) and I shot it at 40 yards. Both shots were fired at a measured 40 yards from a seated position out of a 28" barreled Mossberg Maverick 88 with a full choke.



got 5 pellets in both shots, It would kill a yote i think, but not consistently and its not enough for me to feel comfortable at 40 yards. 30 yards I think this set up would be fine. I am going to pick up a box of of the HD BB's and try that. Id like to use this choke (only cost me 3.99 at dicks when i bought the wrong turkey choke) but I am not gonna throw a ton of ammo at it and not get it to pattern.
Great report. I'd be really interested what an Improved Modified choke would do for you, an in between Mod and Full constrictions. And you are right on about the Flite Control wad Federal uses, it can be a bear to find a sweet spot with. If a person can work that out, that should be a super killer load!
I was searching for a yote load that I could test since I was out of 4buck and no one had it around here, I was looking for anything between 2's and 4 buck that wasnt steel. This was the absolute only thing I could find and it was on sale so I bought it.


SO i snagged it up it was about $15 per 10 rounds. Its the same stuff as the wingmaster HD, BB shot, and a 2-3/4" black shell

I also bought a Tighter choke since the mossberg full choke was not enough. I got a primos Tight Wad choke its a .660 constriction and it is screwed into my Mossberg Maverick 88 with a 28" barrel.

Hung the paper plate, wheeled off 40 yards with my measuring wheel, popped 3 in the chamber and took shot one, went and got it and almost didnt shoot the other 2 but decided to to check for consistency.

Plate one had 19 hits, plate 2 had 20 hits plate 3 had 24 hits.

Pic of plate 2

I am pretty happy, now I just have to go back and buy the other 6 boxes that were on the shelf. Thankfully It only took me 2 chokes and 2 loads to find where I wanted to be with my gun.

As far as penetration goes it went through the 3/4" hardwood plywood no problem, Ill test it on some phone books maybe this weekend.
Jeff V i couldnt use the link provided but i am very interested in that load,nice results.
Could you by any chance post a pic of the shell and the box they came in showing the model # of that shell.

Thanks Jeff

Originally Posted By: ghdfans2010Good job GC and thanks for all the information.

This is a gathering place for the OCD shotgunner! LOL... there are a lot of post with a bunch of solid information and experiences under the roof here. Congrat's go out to all the contributors.
Any of you gentlemen have any Benelli SBE II pattern results. I just ordered one a couple days ago and picked up a Dead Coyote Choke for it. Sorry if I missed any past threads/posts on the SBE II.
The SBE II has the same bore size as my M1S90 guns so results should be basically the same given individual variances between guns.
Great post! I spent a couple hours reading it and will no doubt go over it again.
I just bought a Benelli Vinci with a 24" brl and am looking for information on the bore size and a few good chokes to start patterning.
From all the reading I will start with the Remington 3" T and BB as well as the Hornady #4 buck VX. It came with 5 crio chokes but the full choke is marked "no steel" would it cause a problem shooting any of the above mentioned shells? The modified choke is marked "steel ok" so I will test pattern the loads with it. What type of restriction would be a good place to start and which choke manufactures?
I think the Vinci has a .735" bore. The "sweet spot" usually is found somewhere within .050" - .065" of constriction. Math will do the rest, a good starting place would be a choke around .680" or there'bouts.