
We had some nasty thunderstorms this afternoon and so I didn't even attempt to go calling tonight even though the rain had quit. It was still blowing pretty fierce. About 10 o'clock I decided to have a look with the thermal scope out the window and saw what I thought might be a coyote at the back of the field to the west which is over half a mile. I did three lone howls and saw the animal coming up the side of the field. It didn't come in, but continued on past the house at about 200 yds. distant. After I felt like it had gotten far enough beyond the house I blew a few pup distress notes. At 11 after getting my shower I decided to have another look thinking it might have circled back. Sure enough the coyote had just come into the yard. I shot him and he ran and jumped the ditch into the field and died doing somersaults. Here is the coyote, another good size male.

IMG_0484 by Double Up, on Flickr

Here is the video:

I called and shot this female last Monday night at 225 yds. and then missed an easy shot on the other one of the pair at 100 yds. Didn't get video.

IMG_0483 by Double Up, on Flickr

My hunting buddy missed one of a pair I called in Sat. night at 210 yds., but redeemed himself on the way home after he dropped me off and got this nice male.

Gene 50 by Double Up, on Flickr

Last night my hunting buddy was feeling poorly. He had surgery a couple of weeks back and is still recovering. Anyway I had to go it alone. This one backdoored me and was in my scent cone. I had to shoot him at 230 yds. or not get a shot. Unfortunately the stand had just started and I hadn't turned the dvr on. In the heat of the moment trying to kill him before he busted me, I forgot to flip the on switch. He looked like he was hit with the Hammer of Thor at the shot, but I couldn't find the bullet hole on him.

IMG_0492 by Double Up, on Flickr

That must be a fur-friendly bullet, DoubleUp, kind-of like the results from our .17 Remington CZ’s. Tiny holes in and no exits and generally no sign of blood.
About 10 after 12 I saw this one out in the field. I watched her for better than 15 minutes while she decided if she wanted to take the risk. She did and it was a fatal mistake. Didn't have to go calling after all.

IMG_0495 by Double Up, on Flickr

DoubleUp you may be the only one in the east to kill as many or more than I do in front of our house's. I hope they keep coming for both of us.
Killed this female calling last night. Even though it wasn't on the bait pile, I know you guys like pictures and video so here is how it played out. We set up in late twilight and saw this one across the field about 600 yds. mousing. We had to wait for it to get a little darker before calling since we were out in the open.

My hunting buddy was running the call and at first the coyote didn't appear to even hear the call. It was pretty windy with a front approaching. He gave the coyote some vocals and that got her attention. He then went to a distress sound to keep her coming.

It became apparent that she was working to cut our wind, and so I killed her at 206 yds. before she did get completely downwind. The shot destroyed her shoulder on the frontal shot and I didn't want to see her suffer so I put another one in her. We continued calling but didn't have any other takers.

IMG_0504 by Double Up, on Flickr

That's an ugly looking coyote
I killed this one last Sunday. He's much better looking fur wise.

This is one that visited my bait station last winter. Never when I was home and always during the day. He is a beauty! (and smart!)

The time stamp is correct.
Yeah, our coyotes look big and healthy and so do our girls. At my age I like chasing coyotes far more than chasing girls.. much easier to get them in the truck. lol
, understood. At 72, I've been past the girl chasing over 40 years. I caught the only one that matters for me and she's still a beauty.
You're a lucky man! Obviously she lets you hunt so she is a Jewel. I enjoy your posts on this tread and thanks for taking the time to do so. That goes for everyone who posts on the "Baiting" thread.