
Jeff, the pistol is a Kimber .45 loaded with 230 gr. Federal Hydro Shoks, and the holster is one I got from Natchez. It's a molded plastic type, can't remember the name at the moment. I shoot the .45 well and basically carry it in case of a critter attack, both 4-legged and 2-legged. LOL.
Originally Posted By: 6mm06
Jeff, the pistol is a Kimber .45 loaded with 230 gr. Federal Hydro Shoks, and the holster is one I got from Natchez. It's a molded plastic type, can't remember the name at the moment. I shoot the .45 well and basically carry it in case of a critter attack, both 4-legged and 2-legged. LOL.

Does your wife know how much you have spent on coyote hunting?
You may need to buy a hot tub to even the score

Cat Shooter ask what kind of NV scope you have.
Originally Posted By: Scalloper
Does your wife know how much you have spent on coyote hunting?
You may need to buy a hot tub to even the score

Cat Shooter ask what kind of NV scope you have.

Scalloper, Yea, she knows and is good with it. She gets a trip to the Phillipines this coming January.

I did inform Catshooter, alias Paul about the NV scope shorty after he asked. The scope is an ATN Spartan 410 Generation 1.
Finally had a new fresh face on the baitpile last night. Didn't have any of the alarms turned on as it has been so long since the last one. Now to the planning stage!

I know this is a predator site and I respect that, but I feel like I am getting to know a few of you guys and I want to share this, we can call it a gathering bait post.
My wife has been calling and killing her own turkeys for many years. She has amassed a sizeable collection of long beards and spurs. She has the calling skills for sure and the patience of Jobe. Her favorite call is a wing bone. It has caused the death of many long beards over the years. She shoots a 12ga 2 3/4" Rem 1100 with a very tight built in choke. Mid way through her turkey hunting career, she called in two long beards away from two seasoned men hunters and waited till the turkeys heads lined up and killed them both with one shot. I would have loved to have been there and seen the look on the two mens faces when they walked up to my wife and seen who had bested them. Sunday we had errands to run. I was out of heavy shot for my 3" gun and we must have stopped at a dozen places with no luck finding any. We sort of laughed as she told me sometimes it only takes 1 shot to kill a couple turkeys. Monday was opening day and she and I were hunting maybe 1/2 mile apart. With rain early and a good chance of thundershowers, we opted to let the front pass and didn't get set up till about 10AM with plans on hunting the rest of the day. It was very quite, she had seen 1 hen and nada for me. About 5:30PM, I heard 1 shot. Sounded too far to me to be her but my hearing is not great to say the least. A couple minutes went by then my phone started vibrating. An excited voice on the other end said "you only need one shell". When I asked if she had killed two, "LONG BEARDS" was her answer. Heck of a way to start the season.

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Very good going Mrs. Weekender. Now I'm beginning to understand why Barney only carried one bullet in his pocket.

Nice pic too Mr. Weekender.
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Weekender, Congrats to your better half. Seems you have the kind of wife so many would like to have - one that will hunt with you and share good times. Nice going.
I've read this entire thread and it has inspired me to join PM forums and put out my own little bait pile. Here in PA we can shoot yotes year-round and I've had some success calling but I'm looking forward to trying the bait approach. I've had a red fox hit my bait as well as the local barn cats and a possum. I have one trail cam pic of what I believe is a yote but cant be sure. I do know I have to work out some of the details of lights and executing my shot. Keep posting your successes guys, you never know how many others are following along!
Welcome Smtn10pt, you've made quite an accomplishment to read all 109 pages. There is some very good info for anyone who wants to get into baiting in this thread. You will also find the guys here on the baiting thread very helpful and willing to share.
I have noticed that in the few weeks I have been going through this thread. Here are a few of the pics I got last week on my bait, the fox for reference and the pic that I think is a yote and another pic that is a larger yote or a domestic dog. What do you guys think?


Visitors last night. I have been feeding the grey squirrels at my home. I have a corn feeder loaded with sunflower seeds suspended between two trees on a cable. I have the driveway alert set up there along with my trail camera, today I added a green hog light, dusk to dawn to see how that works out. Seed pile is about 35 yards from the house and I can sit in the living room and watch the pile from my chair. The fisher looks like it may be a female, and pregnant, as least I can see one tit protruding from the left side, stands out on a larger picture


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Smtn10pt, welcome to the forums. Just jump in and hang on. This is a great forum. You're in for some excitement, not to mention learning. I've learned a lot here.

DannyK, those are some nice quality photos. Seems you did have quite a bit of action last night.

I had a bit of action myself last night. A coyote hit the bait, chewed on it a bit, so looks like I'm staying at the cabin again tonight. The coyote looks pretty committed since he hung around for a while and I got about 4 video clips of him.

Click on the photo to see the video. He goes down the hill, then comes back up to the bait.

smtn10pt,Second picture a coyote for sure, the third picture looks like a coyote to, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.Looks like your going to be in for a good time.With fur prices climbing wait til fur is prime,unless your just over run by coyotes.
Night hunting season ended last Sunday, but different story during daylight hours...

Haven't been using the Chamberlain, no sense in torturing myself when I can't take any action. Just happened to look out the window this morning at dawn, caught the slightest bit of movement at the edge of the thick stuff.


Another male on the small side, good set of teeth, think he was older than size would lead you to believe. I'm guessing just stunted due to all the competition? Don't like the front on shot, but his body language and daylight hour made me think I might not get another. Lucky to get this shot on video, took his last breath at the top right of the screen.
