20 Practical & Redding S bushing dies?


New member
I have two Redding 223 sizing dies, one is a regular full length sizing dies and the other is a small base full length sizing die.
I have the neck bushings 0.233", 0.228" for sizing down the necks of the 223 brass to 20 Practical.
What I cannot seem to find is a compatible primer punch and expander button for 20 cal.
Looking for assistance locating a 20 cal punch / expander button S bushing die.
Thanks, Don
The primer punch or replaceable pin should be the same, but the 223 expander is obviously bigger. If using bushings you may try not using the expander, but Contacting Redding and asking then for a 20 cal expander is also an option
Without running down to my office I believe my Redding die uses a .204 punch pin with the the expander ball . Easy, just use that with the .223 die and the s-bushings. If you do some google research you'll find the right parts numbers.
I use a redding small 17/20 cal decapping die, run the bushing die without the rod/expander. I just put a larger bushing on top of the actual bushing I'm sizing the neck with, to take up the space. Most of my brass I need a .225 bushing for a final, some commercial brass I use a .224. I use a mandrel to set the inside neck diameter.
Thank you for the suggestion. The standard sized 20 cal decapping rod / punch / neck expander fits my standard 223 neck sizing die.
At least will get me started with resizing brass to 20 Practical.
I would really like to find a 20 cal decapping rod / punch / neck expander fits my standard Redding S Bushing sizing die.
Thanks again gentlemen
Also, thank you for the tip about the .224 & .225 bushing. I will check neck tension and go from there. I guess if my bolt will not close, that is a hint...
If you are going to form fired 223 brass you will need to size it first back to unfired neck size(.245-246 bushing). I also anneal fired brass prior to forming, brass moves through bushings smoother. Once the body/shoulder is sized, only the neck will need a good lube for the bushings. I have not needed a small base die, yet, for any range brass I have picked up. And I use it in several AR and bolt 223/556/wyde and my 20p AR. Good luck, I really like my 20p.
A call to Redding should get you the correct expander assembly. They are very helpful. 20 years ago I built wildcats on the 204R case 22-204, 6mm-204 and 25-204. Redding was very helpful setting up a single 204 FL bushing die to load all three by just changing out bushings, decapping stem assembly and expander balls. When I started loading for the 20P I already had the spare 204 expander assembly and bought a 223 FL bushing die and swapped it in. With the expanders and bushings I can now load 20P, 223 and 6x45 with the same 223 FL bushing die.
Thank you gentlemen. Your advice has been dually noted and is appreciated.
I do not have a case annealer, it is on my wish list. It would be nice to have.
Easy case annealer is a deep socket just the right size for a 20P case to fit in, a battery drill or even an electric drill and a heat source. There are lots of tutorials out there on annealing with a socket. It is inexpensive, pretty quick for small batches (