which tail stripper??

no worries, i just had it hapen to a fox, because i lost my no name tail stripper that was given to me, so i decided to try to do it by hand. whoops!! my wife ran to the porch to see what the cussing was about.
I have a metal one made by M&M Industries. I've had it about 4 or 5 years and I can't begin to count how many tails I've used it on, A lot anyway. It's just a lot uglier now. I'm not sure it was ever exactly pretty
Yes you can sew a tail back on. My fur buyer does it on the rare occasion that i rip one just because it doesn't change the price of the hide for me so why mess with it. I use a metal tail stripper personally and never had any problems. With coons though it just takes pure muscle to strip the tail. Fox i am usually able to do with my fingers.
It would depend on skinning in the field or your skinning shed. Out in the field about any of them. In the shed use a bench mounted tail stripper. I have one mounted next to my skinning rig. I have a short 1/2 rod that slides into the handle to get more leverage.

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you dont need one its convinient but not neccasary
yu ccan use a pair of pliers i use my hands grip the base between your thumb and index fnger push firmly aginst the base and pull not yank.
I also use a metal stripper. I run my knife about 2-3 inched down the tail then skin that part of it. This gives me a good place to put my free hand to help pull base of the tail through the stripper. I find that fox are especially prone to ripping. If the tail doesn't come out rather easy, I'll skin a bit more and try again.
Best i found is a line flaring tool, it has graduated holes in it for different sizes, it's made of metal and can be bought at any auto parts store.
Originally Posted By: Yellowhammer

Jay had to go through a lot of strippers before he settled on that one.

Well, Jay will be the first to tell you that he does love his strippers...