where are all the bodies?

Originally Posted By: Stu FarishI'm not hiding behind anything. I told a joke. You didn't like it. Sorry about that, but I'm pretty sure that I'll post more stuff that you or someone else doesn't like as time goes on.

Odd, I have been around here for a fair amount of time and you haven't offended me ......yet, lol. Imho, Stu has a great sense of humor.
I used to be one helluva lot fatter...Stu's dry wit still cracks me up. It did back in my really fat years, too...

I blame it on the dang liberals. Their antics have got us snapping at each other like two coons tied at the feet. Seriously, lets cowboy up a little. Stu meant nothing deragatory by his joke.
I put on my dive club T shirt the other day & asked my wife if it made me look fat.

She said "Nope. The fat makes you look fat."

Well, WTH am I supposed to do with that???
Originally Posted By: GSPKurtThis is the church of painful truth, not insults. Hiding behind that is just as asinine. Deal with it.

People who cannot take light hearted comments which are not directed at them and which are also not insulting need to go take a break in the kiddies room. Lighten up. If that offended you then you've got a real tough time ahead of you. Time out for you.
Originally Posted By: javafourI used to be one helluva lot fatter...Stu's dry wit still cracks me up. It did back in my really fat years, too...


Yep. Matt's a looker now.
Hey! New smileys!
Originally Posted By: ExpertMarksman.....and you probably did'nt say it was a 'good' joke because jokes are about FUNNY, not good or bad. So, 'good' jokes are jokes that are funny and 'bad' jokes are jokes that are NOT FUNNY!

So a joke that is funny and makes most people laugh are "good" and those that don't make people laugh are 'not good'. I think I'm going to ring up Chris Rock to decide about what a joke is or isn't as he is one heck of a funny SOB!

in order for a joke or "funny" to be humorous, it has to have an element of truth. without that, it just isnt funny.