Van Johnson's pups out of Wade


New member
Van got his good dog Wade beat up by a bear and we don't know if he will pull thru it or not. We bred him to 2 real good female, just in case.
The first is Van's Nugget dog. She is a young dog that is fastly coming to the lead of the pack and will be one of Van's lead dogs next year. She is line bred to Van's Wade dog. As Van puts it " These dogs family tree does not branch out much at all.
The second female is one that I got from Kim Payne and she is line bred back to Wade also. She is a smaller dogs, but fast as lightning and can really drift a track. Van said she looks just like Wades Full sister.
We were not planning on breeding these two females but decieded to because we don't know if Wade will pull thru this or not. Luckily we had 2 females that go back to Wade in heat at this time.
These will be some great pups and should make top dogs. If interrested give me or Van a call, we can put you on a list. I don't think there will be to many of them availible. The pups will be $500.
These pups are not on the ground yet and they are Bluetick hounds.
Van Johnson 970-560-0282 (Nugget)
Devin Staker 801-910-1501 (Star)
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I am pretty sure all these pups will be gone. I have a list longer than my arm.The phone rang off the hook all last night and today.Thanks for all the interrest in them.
They should be some barn burners.
Devin, glad to see you and van got them bred before Wade was gone. If i thought i could actually do a pup like this justice i would get one....

Problem is pups like this deserve to go to a home where they are going to be hunted and not sit on a chain like mine do.

I hope that you get them in the right hands buddy.

Take care, jason
I also can't hunt one enough.
Here is my female Star and I will try and find some old pictures of Wade.
She is the bluetick on the tree

She is the bluetick standing on the log

Sure wish i could afford another dog id jump on one of these pups..... Had an old high tan female out of Vans stuff a few years ago that i got from David Hise and she sure was the kind.
Sorry to hear about Wade but glad yall got some pups out of him.
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Thanks for the kind words guys. Wade has made some top dogs in the past and we are excited about these females he is bred to. They are outstanding dogs.
Here is Star on a bear we caught today.


And Nugget


These dogs should produce dogs that like Poser says "Even an Idiot can't Ruin"
Sorry guys, I haven't updated this in a while. These pups are not due until the end of the month but I am pretty sure she is not going to have more than I have 33 people on the list. Nugget ( Van's dog ) didn't take.
Wade ended up dying so this will be the one and only cross.
Sorry again guys.
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Here are a couple of picture of them for you guys that got them.



Got a chance to sit down with Van this last weekend and go over the pedigree or line of dogs that they go back to and got to see alot of Old ,Old vidieo of hunts with these dogs. What a great time. And it would surprise you what is packed into this little hounds background
It is always a good time sitting with Van. Learn alot.
These pups go back over 10 times to a female that came from Dale Lee