The eHarmony Shakedown

Sadly, you are correct about the FL case.,0,3177023.story

It looks like the matter is headed to the (liberal) FL St Supreme Court.

In adoptions the standard used to be 'the best interests of the child.' We know kids do best when raised by both a mom AND a dad, both the male and female parents are important. Do some kids end up OK as adults if raised by just one parent or with both a natural and a step-parent? Yes, some sure do, but it is not ideal and all things being equal we should try to do the best for kids, especially those who have had disrupted, troubled lives. The data on kids being raised by gays and lesbians (it is mostly lesbians, BTW) and missing having the other sex parent is very, very sad.

Unfortunately, we've gone from the 'best interests of the child' standard to the very selfish 'I have a RIGHT to a kid' standard favoring the adult's interests over the child's. This is often done simply to validate the adult's 'lifestyle choice.'

Not good.
its unfortunate that a private company has had the morals of others forced upon it.
but I bet most folks who go to dating websites are OK with that frame of mind, ie, foot loose and fancy free morals.
Maybe Im wrong, but I just have a hunch.

Whatever happenend to meeting potential spouses in a bar anyhow?!?!(LOL....I met mine at a KFC chicken joint).
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I'm just wondering where the Oboma supporters on this site are with this story. Amazing that when a story describes the base of the dems party they are nowhere to be found.