Primos Randy Anderson diaphragm coyote mouth calls?

Originally Posted By: lyotehunteri am looking to get a couple of the diaphragms let me know how to get them coming thanks

Not sure which type of diaphragms you're interested in lyotehunter, but I highly recommend the TC Diaphragms...You can send Torry Cook (cookstaxi) a pm on here or the best way would be just to call 870-820-0382. Torry's a great guy and will get you fixed up with just what you want. Thanks!
I have used the Randy Anderson/Primos diaphragm howlers for a long time. The "Sonic Dome" and I don't get along as well as the Double Mouth Howler, but the Double Howler has treated me well for a long time. I keep two of them in my pack at all times, and frankly, as much as I hate to say it, I play them better than open reed howlers. Most guys that play diaphragms keep theirs in the fridge to increase life, I didn't know that trick, so I never did it. I've had my first set of RA/Primos howlers for at least 7yrs, I keep them in my hunting closet in the reed box that comes with them with a piece of a toothpick separating the reeds.

I have a set of TC diaphragms that I picked up at a farm sale in a box of odds and ends. They're good calls, but I'm pretty turned off by their current marketing strategy, so I won't be spending money on MFK's in the future (TC became MFK, what, a year ago or so?).
Originally Posted By: Varminterror

I have a set of TC diaphragms that I picked up at a farm sale in a box of odds and ends. They're good calls, but I'm pretty turned off by their current marketing strategy, so I won't be spending money on MFK's in the future (TC became MFK, what, a year ago or so?).
