Outdoors Woman Gets Her First 2 Coyotes

I was hooked from the first stand. This pup came flying in immediately from my right, we weren't quite ready. It was so amazing I wanted to laugh out loud!
First, I want to thank God for making coyotes. Thanks LORD!
Second, I want to thank my mentor and friend, Fursniper, for introducing me to coyote calling and teaching me out of his colorful experience. He is a real man of integrity and (thank God) patience and encouragement, which made my experiences lots of FUN!
Seeing a coyotes from 6ft away, watching his yellow eyes become huge saucers when he realized I was NOT a tree. Ha, Ha, Haaa! That was a great moment!
And third, I want to thank all of you for your wonderful warm welcome and overwhelmingly encouraging comments. THANK YOU!!!
I'm Hooked On Coyotes!