My rifle sling is ticking me off


New member
Just as the title says, I have a couple of the super slings. They are so handy for adjusting length. I like them, until I use them as an actual sling. they keep slipping off my shoulder. That nylon just aint cutting it. Are there any options out there that will actually adjust and stay put?
You can change out the swivels, I've done it before. I'm always paranoid their factory plastic one's will break, but they've actually held up to quite a bit of use. They have a newer/tougher swivel called the Hush Stalker II, but it still looks like plastic.
I use that rubber, adjustable sling that was touted by that guy ? from Slogan remember the guy, he looked like Rollie Fingers, with the bicycle moustache? It is rubber, and has decent screw on type swivels...not as good as the Butler Creek QD's but pretty good. It WILL NOT SLIP...period.
A buddy has the Slogan Outdoors sling and it stayed put pretty good too while riding the rivers hunting moose. The only thing that worried me was that if you snagged the thing on a sharp branch busting through the woods and tore the rubber a bit if that tear would continue to travel?
I've been using Butler Creek slings on all my guns except one for years ............ I love em ....... that being said I just checked out that Outlaw Sling others referred too and I may get one to check out ............ looks awesome