My new favorite sound?


Retired PM Staff
I have a NM javelina tag to fill, have no idea what I'm doing. I've called them in coyote hunting, had them eat the cactus in my garden and see them running across the roads but have no idea how to hunt them. I got an early start this morning and glasses a couple of valleys with stock ponds in them. I usually call them in thicker cover so headed for thicker cover where I'd seen them along the road.

I found lots of tracks but none with javelina in them. The first stand I called with FP Javelina Demise. Boom here comes a coyote and just stands there, well I can't pass up a dumb coyote thAt doesn't know it's Mar and prey sounds shouldn't be they hot sound for coyotes, he paid the price for being out of the know. The Fur isn't pretty, the 85gr NBT is a little overkill but worked.

On to the next spot again lots of javelina tracks and again another coyote that hasn't read the coyote manual and stands there looking at the caller. He died, this is staring to turn into coyote hunt.

The next spot everyone got smart and stayed away.

Stand four down in the river bottom, really thick, lots of javelina tracks and here comes coyote number three he died also and I kept on playing Javelina Demise and here .come a big old mule deer and he stood the for the rest of the stand,. staring at the caller and wiggling it's ears until I stood up to look at the coyote.

Total for four javelina stands, all with Javelina Demise.

Coyotes-3 lg males
One curious mule deer

One tired hunter, the bunk in the van is going to feel good.

Last night I was going through some.gear and found a little FP Patriot stashed away, I don't remember buying it or trading for it but the last couple of years have been a little strange. I took it today knowing I was going to be doing some long walks, is light and small. It is actually a pretty decent caller. I think it was one of those too good to refuse deals and had just given away a JS caller and wanted another inexpensive caller to play with. Interesting that ALL.of the inexpensive callers I've taken out from a JS Attractor to this Patriot have called in coyotes as well as my expense e.callers, go figure.
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“I've called them in coyote hunting, had them eat the cactus in my garden and see them running across the roads but have no idea how to hunt them.”
Try standing in the road and play cactus distress!... 😃

But yeah… I’m of no help on this one. I would probably just hunt coyotes and hope I’d stumble onto them.

Good luck!
But yeah… I’m of no help on this one. I would probably just hunt coyotes and hope I’d stumble onto them.

Good luck!
This^^ There are lots of javelina on the ranches I hunt, but I've probably only ever called in one or two when calling coyotes.

should shoot one javelina. At least that's my philosophy down here, as every javelina I've ever seen has been absolutely covered w/fleas, and when they start to cool down, the fleas begin to search for a warm body..........guess who that is!!!!

I always shot one javelina a year at the request of the gate guard, who wanted one to make Thanksgiving tamales. Always picked it up immediately and hung it on the outside of the vehicle, delivered it to the gate guard and let him remove from vehicle.

As for javelina call, a coffee can with a handful of pea gravel was 100% effective. Doubt it would be up there, however, as those who "hunted" javelina down here did so the easy way; they would drive down a short strip of sendero and spread corn; come back in a bit and there would usually be a herd of javelina on the corn. Just for kicks I carried a can of rocks and all you had to do was shake it and the javelina would come a'running. Got a coffee can, Erich?;)

Funny story: We had a jeep (pole) barn adjacent to the bunk house and one night I was awakened from a sound sleep by a loud thumping noise from the barn. It had a steady rhythm that puzzled me enough to get dressed and investigate. One of the pickups in the barn had a corn spreader hanging on the tailgate and there was a javelina that would stand up w/his front feet on the bumper in order to barely reach the feeder, tip it up a bit and let it fall against the tail gate, jarring a bit of corn out with each attempt. There's always the worker and a bunch of onlookers, and such was the case with the javelina. By the time the worker got down from the bumper, the rest of the herd had pretty much gobbled up all the corn.
Javelina will respond to just about any distress call. I've called them in with plain rabbit distress and I've even had them come into coyote vocals once. I have only successfully called and taken a javelina once. They usually only respond to calling when I'm hunting something else and never when I'm hunting javelina.

A herd of javelina will have a territory that they stay in. If you've found an area with sign they will most likely be there again at some point. Glassing from a vantage point is the best way to locate javelina if the terrain your hunting lends itself to that.
Here is the best way. Plant yourself a nice little garden with tomatoes and peppers. Then they are guaranteed to come. Javelina are miserable animals.
Corn is key for Javelina, if there are any corn fields around?

They will travel to them just before dark, feed all night and then as the sun comes up they go back in the area they came from.

Look for diggings on side hills and around mesquite.

The best time to use Javelina Demise or a JP-13 Javelina call is when you have them in sight, they dont see so good but they will catch movement. Hearing is excellent and their nose is like a Coyote.
No corn, chillis, cotton,.onions and alfalfa. I did find a place they go under the fence into head+ high mesquite flat. That's where I killed coyote number two the other day.
Best time to track them is after a rain……

We tracked a group for over 3 miles one time, I was a circular 3 miles, eventually we caught up to them.

This was a Big Boar I shot with my Mathew’s Switchback LD a few years back.


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I have a big dislike for Javey's they get in my traps and are a pain in the butt to get out and they stink they are a Flea Factory, we call them range rats, no one here eats them. if I kill one I don't pick it up the Coyotes and the worms gotta eat. Murl B.