Mexico won't pay a cent for Trump's 'stupid wall'

Just tax the products coming north (that makes USA products cheaper) Then tax the snot out of money going south.
Pick up anyone not here legally, send them to camps along the border and make them build the wall for 6 months with prison pay.
Build the no mans land with a separate wall and a paved smooth road in the middle with sand in the middle. Motion sensor lights, and a truck to drive the road and rake the sand daily. place fast reaction teams along the border, and monitor it all. Some one sets of the monitoring, and react. With FORCE.. Like Mexico does with their border on the south. Ground sensors for tunnels, and a small 2" drill and water tanker for those that want to try and tunnel. Maybe just some small charges in the holes to close them up.

Force schools, hospitals and other public places to report illegals. Deport them. Suspend the business lic. of anyone hiring illegals for 6 months. Take away drivers lic. and any public assistance.

Then they will leave. Those 90+million Americans on welfare can take the 25 million jobs the illegals leave behind. Take away the welfare and enforce the work requirements that are law, for those that can work and all of this saves billions each year. The schools get better not spending millions teaching illegals. The hospitals ERs are not loosing money on illegals and so on..

Toss out the H1 and H2 visa workers that number in the 10 million and with just two things the next President can do on his own with Executive action and upto 35 million people are back to work in a couple of months.
As a conservative I think they all should be deported. but as a realist I know this will never happen. I think we should give them 90 days to prove employment. If they can prove employment and a employer who will sponsor them give them a work visa. give employers 90 days to get their house in order. I don't care if they are hired as help in a home, pool boy or Gardner. If you are caught after 90 days hiring them and paying them under the table make it a 50 thousand dollar fine. Make people here on a work visa pay taxes to offset the costs of having them here. No social programs to help them if they cannot support themselves they need to go home. If they are caught her after 90 days make it a felony charge. 6 months working on the border fence. Don't allow felon to return to this country. If they are caught a 2nd time five years working on the border fence. 3 strikes is a capitol offence. If they can show they are productive people after 5 years give them a fast track to citizenship. They should also be required to buy health insurance and car insurance like the rest of us. If they are caught with forged paperwork 5 years on the border fence. Doing this would stop much of this as people here wouldn't take a chance hiring them. If they have to have legitimate jobs and no financial help from the taxpayers most of them would go home voluntarily. I would also make it a capitol offence for an illegal caught trafficking drugs. Set up courts to handle any immigration issues and while they are awaiting trial no bail or bond. Send them to work on the fence while they await trail. An approach like this would give those here that are truly her to work a chance and the rest would be weeded out in short order.

One of the candidates for the Texas Senate is also promising to build the wall. Jon Cobb, we see his ad several times everyday. Maybe he can hire Trump to supervise the construction after the November elections.
Originally Posted By: azmastablastaHmm...gimme a Trump/Tbone ticket.

ROFL.. i can't do that.. They would murder me as soon as i started taking an AX to the whole system.
Image the housing crisis in DC when i moved all of the Border patrol to the border (DC didn't have a housing crisis in 08, and it's about time)
First thing would be the removal of suppressors from class 3.

All those EPA people would be out of work, as well as the Forest service, BLM, Dept of Energy, and not to forget Dept of Education. Homeland would be gutted and the TSA fired, and only a handful kept to travel to states to ensure airports are handling it as they used to for decades. Middle East men and women would be X-ray scanned before getting on a plane to America. Grandma and grandpa at home would be left alone.
Originally Posted By: dogcatcherOriginally Posted By: Mr. PoppadopalisDog breath,

If the boundary is on the U.S. / Mexican border how can it be private property?

Move it into Mexico 5 feet and Walla! A fence s built!

I bet they would like that, their side of the border, they could tear it down at night while we built it during the day.

Even the Communists had a no mans land between the Berlin Wall and the populated area. How did that work out? The people in East Germany still made it to the West, and the Berlin Wall was only 96 miles long. This one will have to be almost 2000 miles long. How many guards will it take, based on 3 shifts for a 24 hour day and covering 2000 miles?

It would be simpler to fine the employers or give them a little jail time. Then the employers would stop hiring. No jobs, no contract labor, they will start to go home. Same as when the economy was tanking 8 years ago, there were a lot going. back to Mexico because there were no jobs

I don't care if the wall is 1 million feet high and 20 million miles long!!

Why does anything have a fence or wall around it? To be protected! Think about it, White House, Denver Mint, Israel, China etc..............................

1. Build the wall
2. Boot the Illegals of all nations out!
3. Save $$ Billions $$ the US Citizen is paying for EVERYTHING these scumbags get!!
4. Have a nice day!

The White House has a fence around it with security guards!! Why not our nation?
tax any money wired out of the country at 25%. then make it possible for people who were US citizens to get the tax back on their income tax return.

fine the employers $2000 per day that an illegal is on their books. if an employer is found to be paying an illegal illegally, fine them $5000 per day.
Posted this on Facebook today

How to build "the" wall in 3 easy steps.
1. Legislate that all money transfers out of the country require proof of citizenship shown by sender.
2. If sender cannot produce, allow, Fast and Furious style, but transferred money instead surreptitiously goes to the US Treasury.
3. Seize assets of those that report money missing under civil forfeiture.

Trump gets his wall. Obama gets his "shovel ready jobs", and the unemployeed that just need a leg up have many opening available to them.
Originally Posted By: Stu Farisheffective enforcement would go a long ways.

there are some specific issues I'd like to deal dealt with by the strongest possible means. In particular, the way we've ceded so much land along the southern borders to the drug cartels. I'd like to see specop hunter-killer teams tasked with taking care of that problem. Totally free hand to accomplish the mission & that mission being to locate & bring in anyone in the area involved. Alive if possible but if they don't surrender & resist with weapons, dead is fine. They have spotters living down there with radios to tell them when they can travel where & we can start by taking those out, as well as any active traffickers on our side of the border.

There you go. Thats where all the money is going. Drug money taken back would make a good payment on the debt.The cartels are bleeding the economy.Drug money goes out of our economy and out of country so no reinvestment,no growth from all those hundreds of millions.

Sometimes I think the Mexican government could be corrupt and persons flush with drug money turning a blind eye to all the activities along the border.

I think if all the money crossing the border was back in the economy it would be more of a stimulus that anything tried so far.Most of it started out as tax money anyway.
Quote:Sometimes I think the Mexican government could be corrupt and persons flush with drug money turning a blind eye to all the activities along the border.

Corruption is rampant in Mexico, most likely some makes its way to the upper echelons.
