I got a call


Well-known member
I decided not to hunt any more until June unless I got calls from farmers with problems. A property owner I hunt on is calving and says she has seen a coyote among her cows 4 times since Easter morning, so I made it out there last Sunday night.
I made 4 sets with the 3rd being productive. I am set up on the North side of a small East/West hollow with an east wind (my 9:00) and the call about 60yds from me in the bottom of the hollow. Started with pup distress and silence. Next some howls and silence and pair howls and silence. Next was a fight for a couple minutes followed by 2 pup distresses simultaneously pretty loud.
I see him coming quickly at my 10:00 across the hollow. I get in the gun and then "fiddle" with the remote to shut one of the sounds off and lower the volume. He continues coming but the path he's taking tells me that he is trying to get downwind far enough that he will be back in brush and not be shootable. I howl him stopped but not long enough for a shot so repeat and this time get the shot off. 150yds per onx/29min in set/11:10pm. Run down, ragged furred male so I figure since Naomi has been seeing him in the daylight that he has been tending a den.
The house in the background is an old abandoned farmhouse.

Want to take a moment and thank you guys that take the time to post your videos.

Been a year since I've been able to get out after them myself, and I learned a long time ago, while shooting competition, the value of "visualization" since accurate shooting is largely a mental function; probably 90% mental/10% physical, IMO. Dry firing was very helpful in target shooting, but "visualization" of what it takes to make a perfect shot was every bit as important when you could not dry fire.

I watch all these videos, and am hoping that visualizing exactly when I would break the shot will knock a bit of the rust off if and when I am able to get back out. Visualization of breaking a shot on a stationary target is easy, but it is harder to visualize without all the different possibilities presented by the coyotes in you guy's videos. Keep 'em coming, guys!
You are quite welcome Clarence. I do this as a payback to all of you guys that have posted vids and pics with diagrams that I have enjoyed and learned from over the years. I wish there was a way for us to absorb (with a click of the mouse) some of the stuff that is between your ears in regard to shooting and the hunting of these coyotes.
If one of those Star Trek guys could "beam me down " there I would love to get you back on one of your favorite kill spots.