Hey.. NRA?

Thanks, Stu. I hope Norquist turns out to be falsely accused, which would give us more faith in the vetting abilities of the nominating committee.

The Townhall article makes some very good points. We all know how the liberals try to destroy the reputation of anyone who they deem to be a threat and this could very well be the plan.

If this does prove to be the case, I'm disappointed in Glenn Beck.

We will just have to wait to see how it plays out.

When your looking at checking out this norquist, check out his wife also on the internet there is a lot of information out there. This is not a job of trusting it is a job of what do we (NRA members) want sitting on the board. hm, you say you have a lifetime with NRA, well so do I, but I never trust man, just Christ. I'm not picking on your words just clarifying my position. This is not meant to rile anyone, just making my point and that of checking, not just the person, but in this case it connects to his background, his parents background in Arabic world and who he is married to.
Originally Posted By: Yukon21When your looking at checking out this norquist, check out his wife also on the internet there is a lot of information out there. This is not a job of trusting it is a job of what do we (NRA members) want sitting on the board. hm, you say you have a lifetime with NRA, well so do I, but I never trust man, just Christ. I'm not picking on your words just clarifying my position. This is not meant to rile anyone, just making my point and that of checking, not just the person, but in this case it connects to his background, his parents background in Arabic world and who he is married to.

Perhaps I did not explain my position sufficiently, or perhaps you missed this post.

Quote:Not a problem, Ornery, I have a lifetime invested in the NRA; been a member since the early 1950's and life member since 1960, so I'm in it for the duration.

I'm firmly of the belief that, were it not for NRA, we would bear a strong resemblance to the UK and other anti-gun regimes and am committed to do my part, as small as it may be, to keep that from happening.

In order to clarify, I am as concerned as anyone about the nomination of Norquist if the allegations against him are true, but willing to wait and see how this plays out. I am simply suggesting that dropping one's membership in NRA, as Glenn Beck has indicated that he will, is not in your/(our) best interest every time we disagree with their decisions/actions.

Fortunately, I had procrastinated in sending in my and my wife's ballots and can assure you that we did not vote for Norquist in an abundance of caution. Also, unless a candidate is known personally, I will also do due diligence in future elections rather than depending on the nominating committee's vetting.

I think we are on the same page, Yukon.

If what Beck and many others are saying is true about Grover Norquist's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, America has a very serious problem!
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Originally Posted By: ADKIf what Beck and many others are saying is true about Grover Norquist's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, America has a very serious problem!

You know, I wonder if Beck is going off the deep end, as he went on a rant on The O'Reily Factor a couple of days ago threatening to drop out of the Republican party if Ted Cruz gets the nomination. I think Beck is getting too big for his britches (as my uncle used to say). Or perhaps the article to which Stu referred above is correct:

Quote:Methinks, there is another game afoot—other than Beck saving America from Norquist.

Two weeks ago, Beck lost two key men at The Blaze, Chris Balfe, who had been his right-hand man for more than a decade and Joel Cheatwood, who helped develop the look-and-feel of Fox News and left Fox News with Beck in 2011. As those two build their own media venture, Beck promoted Betsy Morgan to be the CEO of his Internet channel, theblaze.com.

Morgan, a former investment backer, was in-charge of the left-wing Huffington Post before joining theblaze.com in 2011, herself.

Beck and Morgan have set up a multi-stage publicity stunt. First, they play the blue-on-blue theme with the kind of conservative fratricide that guarantees coverage in Morgan's former site and all the other left-wing outlets.

Personally, when I'm dissatisfied with the direction pursued by a group or organization to which I belong, I prefer to stand and fight rather than cut and run as Beck seems prone to do lately.

"You know, I wonder if Beck is going off the deep end, as he went on a rant on The O'Reily Factor a couple of days ago threatening to drop out of the Republican party if Ted Cruz gets the nomination. I think Beck is getting too big for his britches (as my uncle used to say). Or perhaps the article to which Stu referred above is correct:"

Either you are very misinformed or very confused hm. Beck would love to see Ted Cruz get the nomination and so would I.
I still want to know how you prove something that didn't happen/doesn't exist.

Your wife accuses you of having cheated with another woman. You haven't but she insists that she knows damned well that you have.

Prove you didn't.

Tell me how you do that?
Originally Posted By: ADK"You know, I wonder if Beck is going off the deep end, as he went on a rant on The O'Reily Factor a couple of days ago threatening to drop out of the Republican party if Ted Cruz gets the nomination. I think Beck is getting too big for his britches (as my uncle used to say). Or perhaps the article to which Stu referred above is correct:"

Either you are very misinformed or very confused hm. Beck would love to see Ted Cruz get the nomination and so would I.

ADK, you are absolutely correct, I was misinformed and confused.

That's what happens when an old f*** tries to listen to the TV while absorbed in something on the computer.

I was half right though (Hey that's not bad.)

Truth is he stated he was dropping out of Republican party, but not in regard to Cruz. He is disenchanted with the lack of action by Republican Party in their failure to counter Obama's total disregard for the Constitution and respect for the separation of power. As am I! But as stated, you can't just go belly up; that just expedites the issue.

Thanks for pointing out my error!

Edit to add: Oh, and I'd vote for Ted Cruz in a heartbeat if election were held today.

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Stu, Beck did an excellent job of making the connections between Norquist and the Muslim Brotherhood in his 5 pm broadcast last night. Did you see it? This potentially is much bigger than Grover Norquist running for the N.R.A. Board of Directors.
In the interest of setting the record straight regarding my Faux pas, here is Beck's reasoning for dropping out of Republican party.

While I agree with him 100% on the facts, I still think the better course of action is to stand and fight.

Glenn Beck: 'I'm out of the Republican Party — I am not a Republican'


By Dylan Stableford
March 18, 2015 4:42 PM

Yahoo News

Radio and television personality Glenn Beck speaks to a gathering at FreePAC Kentucky, Saturday, April 5, 2014, at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Ky. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley)

Glenn Beck says he is no longer a member of the Republican Party.

“I’ve made my decision — I’m out," Beck said on his radio show Wednesday, according to Mediaite.com. "I’m out of the Republican Party. I am not a Republican; I will not give a dime to the Republican Party. I’m out.”

The former Fox News host and founder of the Blaze supported the GOP during the last election cycle but has become disillusioned with the party in recent years over what he believes was its failure to stand up to the Obama administration — specifically, the Affordable Care Act and immigration reform.

“Four years ago I was with them," Beck said. "Four years ago I said, ‘Work from the inside, let’s change it, let’s get new guys in there.’"

But those efforts have proved futile, he said.

“They’re torpedoing the Constitution, and they’re doing it knowingly,” Beck said. “They’re taking on people like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz and they are torpedoing them. Knowingly. And these guys are standing for the Constitution.”

He added: "It's too late."

The GOP isn't the only group Beck is fed up with. Last week, Beck threatened to quit the National Rifle Association if it doesn't cut ties with Grover Norquist after one of his guests, Frank Gaffney, accused Norquist of being connected with the Muslim Brotherhood.

"If this man is elected, or re-elected, and confirmed on the board of the NRA, I may drop my membership in the NRA," Beck told listeners and viewers of his show. "I am that concerned that he is a very bad influence and a very bad man that, if this is who the NRA decides to put on their board of directors, I don't think I can be associated with them."

Related video:


michael moore has done an excellent job connecting all sorts of stuff that isn't true, didn't happen or did in some way & time but he chose to present it so it looked entirely different than what it realy was.

again, your wife is convinced. she *knows* you did it & she does a good job or presenting times & places where she's certain you did.

how do you prove you didn't?
This is what Michelle Malkin thinks of Grover Norquist:

Glenn Beck and the GOP’s Grover Norquist problem, revisited

By Michelle Malkin • October 22, 2013 08:09 PM

Loyal readers are well aware of the work I’ve done exposing Grover Norquist’s dangerous Islamist alliances and progressive proclivities (see comprehensive links below). Earlier today, Glenn Beck used his mighty platform to shine a bright spotlight on the GOP’s Grover Norquist problem.

Read and watch Beck’s interview with Frank Gaffney and David Greenfield of David Horowitz’s Freedom Center here. He’s got much more coming.

Beck’s usual array of haters dismissed his report as “conspiratorial” — without refuting any of the substantive points Norquist’s critics have brought to the table. The mounds of evidence about Norquist’s radical open-borders agenda and reckless Muslim outreach have piled up over the years. Kudos to Beck for daring to ruffle the Republican establishment’s feathers, especially at this critical juncture when GOP invertebrates are about to cave on amnesty and sell out America again.

We need more voices speaking up. If not now, when?

General Boykin's view of Grover:

General Boykin: Terrorists front groups gaining influence in America

By Editor on April 25, 2012 in Sharia Free USA

Editor’s Note: Gen. (RET) Jerry Boykin, in an April 24 radio interview with Glenn Beck, sounded a sober warning about the infiltration of radical Muslims into high positions of influence in our country. General Boykin knows whereof he speaks, having served throughout a long military career, leading American troops and special forces in Grenada, Somalia, and Iraq, then serving in the CIA and the Defense Department. Boykin says U.S. government officials cannot or will not recognize the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in coordinating terrorist front groups here in America. Also, high ranking U.S. foreign policy officials never seemed to understand the Brotherhood’s role in engineering the fall of Middle Eastern governments during the “Arab Spring.” He points to the associations of such prominent figures as Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform with radical organizations and individuals.

GOP power player Norquist steps down from NRA amid probe of Islamist ties

Published April 15, 2015

Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, has stepped down from his post on the NRA's board of directors amid a probe into his alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. (AP)

Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist is reportedly stepping away from NRA board of directors activities amid allegations of ties to radical Muslims.

Breitbart.com and TheBlaze both reported Tuesday that Norquist, a powerful GOP figure, is distancing himself from the 25-member board a month after radio host Glenn Beck told his audience that Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the NRA, had initiated an investigation into Norquist for alleged ties to Islamist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

Norquist “voluntarily suspended his board activities pending the outcome of the investigation,” a statement sent to NRA board members last week said, according to TheBlaze.

Norquist, through his press secretary, confirmed the investigation but denied the charges to Breitbart. He has previously pushed back at a similar attack from Frank Gaffney, head of the Center for Security Policty, a Washington-based think tank.

Frank Gaffney has been peddling this conspiracy for 15 plus years.

Beck told his listeners in March that he would quit the NRA if Norquist was re-elected. Norquist was reelected to the board on April 11, and Beck addressed the investigation on his website Tuesday.

“The NRA is in the process of putting together an independent investigation into the accusations that have surrounded Mr. Norquist for over a decade,” he wrote. “They have assured me and their membership that this will not be a white wash, this will be a legitimate investigation. I believe they will do the right thing in turning over every stone and following the evidence wherever it takes them.”

Norquist founded Americans for Tax Reform in 1985 and has prominently asked candidates for federal and state office to sign a pledge opposing all tax increases.


Hmmm... it gets curiouser and curioser. Was Beck right? I look forward to the comments. Did this Guy just step down from pressure? Or was there really something in Becks broadcast that caused this? I will watch this one for a while.