Hand calls vs Electronic

I started with the Tally Ho years ago and the black magic closed reed caller. Then I switched to tapes, cards, foxpros, loudmouth(didn't last long), Primos, and LD now. I have gotten spoiled with the awesome sounds of the LD and use it mostly now. I still have calls around my neck but not used as much. I am going to try to use my hand calls more this year. It just seems I enjoy the set better. But I do like my LD. I enjoy it all. I'm wanting just to use all closed reed predator calls this year not including the howlers.

I use both, but usually not on the same set. It’s hard to figure what works best for me. The e callers have sequence and in my opinion if you leave it running for to long a coyote will pick up on that sequence. I’ve always used my e- callers like my hand calls an call for 15-30 seconds then wait for 2-3 minutes then repeat.
Since October so far I have called 10 coyotes 4 with e-caller 6 with hand calls. Who knows it may have reversed if I would have switched calls. There is really know way of knowing.
I think guys get dependent on e callers. I am not pointing fingers because I am just as much as fault as anyone. I think we play the sounds too loud for most sets. I also think we play the sounds too long. I know I am going to hear it now--Well I play my caller nonstop and I kill just fine. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Calling is about having confidence in your setup and the sounds you use, if you have had good luck doing it a certain way please continue that way. I just think it is more natural for a small rodent, rabbit, bird to not scream nonstop. Are coyotes smart enough to realize this, I honestly don't know. I think maybe that I do it in short intervals because with blowing the hand call I am only good for about 30 seconds of come get you some before I tucker out. LOL and then I spend the next 2 to 5 minutes watching as I recover. So I do that with the e caller as well. All I do know is when it works whichever way it gets me fired up and I love it!!!! I get more excited about a yote coming in than I do bones walking by my stand.

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I think what you stated has a lot of value. The reason I never call for more than 30 seconds is I like to have coyotes looking for the call and not look right where my e caller is or directly at me when I spot him if I have to reset for the shot. Even putting the caller 50 yds away I have had them see my movement when the caller is running.
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