Fur, Horns, Mud, Blood...and Green Crap!!!

Chad, thanks really appreciate the kind words about my artwork and the writing.

CoyoteCraze, nah we didn't score them as we have both killed bigger antelope in the past. They were nice antelope and we are happy with them, but neither will go to the taxidermist or anything like that.

Yotezapper I cannot arque with your percentage statement. I am awful with a shotgun.
I'm of the opinion that the AR is about as perfect of a rifle for coyote hunting as has ever been invented. Perfect no, but moreso than any other rifle I have tried. Sure do love mine.
Ursus, You have more self control than I. A bolt action for me keeps me making my shots count. I find myself getting a bit trigger happy with the AR! haha.
getemclose when I was your age a bolt action suited me just fine. You shoot yours well and there is not likely a reason for you to change right now. However at my age now, my reflexes are slower and I like to keep things as simple as possible. With an AR the only thing I have to concentrate on when a coyote or coyotes come in is the shot. Don't have to worry about working a bolt, reacquiring the coyote in my scope, or anything else. Just have to worry about aiming and shooting. I like that simplicity. I still use my bolt rifles for hunting big game and a bolt action 22 rimfire for small game, but when it comes to coyotes it's the AR for me 90% of the time.
Ya, You make really good points.. I have been known to empty a fair sized clip on fleeing (sp) coyotes
. I have a ar in .223 . Ill send you a pic sometime, its a pretty sweet rig!
That looks like a pretty successful weekend.
I'm headed out this weekend to hopefully get me a nice mulie. And early enough to do some calling afterwards i hope.
Well if this does end up in the HOM contest and should it win, I'd want all the prizes to go to Yotezapper...and that isn't up for debate YZ!
Originally Posted By: HereticHOM been mentioned yet? I vote for this tale!

Thanks for sharing!

Yup, I'm running a little behind...
WOW Thanks Alot. Appreciate all the kind words. Troy does a heck of a good job on the posts that he puts on here. And I was proud to be part of one of them. Troy and I have hunted alot of things together over the years but this was the first time we have dedicated a whole day to yotes. I think that we make a pretty good team and enjoy each others company. Which is what really matters. Nothing beats good friends and good hunting.
I hear ya yotezapper -- I'm finally headed out for a week long trip for birds and coyotes. Having the right sidekick makes all the difference. We'll get a belly full and then some.
sendit223 I hope you have a great trip. I can't really add much to what Yotezapper posted above other than to say I completely agree.