Foxpro jackrabbit distress, how many thousands?

Interesting stuff, Dave. I'd been away from calling for a lot of years but when my Lab died I didn't feel like I wanted to hunt waterfowl anymore so I got back into calling and bought a Foxpro FX416B. My first day with the caller started late in the afternoon in California. In just a couple of hours I killed 4 coyotes and called plenty more. If I had carried a shotgun the score would've been higher since I had as many as 4 coyotes in on a stand. When the sun set I moved on to see my daughters in Phoenix.

Since they had plans for New Years eve and would be sleeping on New Years Day I decided to go out again. I started at sunup and called until about 2 that afternoon since I needed to get back to Phoenix and take my girls out to dinner. I called 11 coyotes, a bobcat and a fox killing 8 coyotes and the fox. The sound I used? Utah Jack.

I don't watch many coyote hunting shows on TV either, but I bought some coyote hunting DVDs way back when from a guy in Utah that was playing that sound and killing coyotes. He and his bearded hunting buddy called them in regularly with that same ound. They had some great footage.

The other day, I pulled out the DVDs I probably had not watched in 10 years or more and watched them again.

Brought back some great memories. Like watching an old movie you haven't seen in years, I remember almost all the scenes and what was going to happen next.

Good Stuff. (winking emoticon goes here)
Ha-ha-ha! Been quite a few years since I've watched that myself, lol!

Tim's still getting out amongst 'em



Originally Posted By: KyfuzzyfaceThat was the sound I used on my very first callin and kill on a Old JS Preymaster Thanks a bunch DAA

i may be way wrong, but do not think this particular sound being talked about was ever offered on a johnny stewart prey master.

but js does have some real good jackrabbit sounds. really good.
Originally Posted By: SlickerThanSnotOriginally Posted By: KyfuzzyfaceThat was the sound I used on my very first callin and kill on a Old JS Preymaster Thanks a bunch DAA

i may be way wrong, but do not think this particular sound being talked about was ever offered on a johnny stewart prey master.

but js does have some real good jackrabbit sounds. really good.

Well that what was on the little card jackrabbit dressress or the best I remember. My brother had the call after I bought a foxpro scorpion and it burned up in a house fire, so I can't say for sure. Whatever it was it worked good for me.
Not likely the same sound. It did get out into the wild and Minaska was putting it on their callers too (claiming it as their own), but never heard of it being on JS units. And of course Western Rivers never used any sound they didn't steal.

Not really related, but I knew the man that recorded a lot of the JS library. Western Rivers stole pretty much every sound he had.

Old wiley will respond to any call, that sounds like an easy meal for them,Weather they heard that call before, or not, But you just have to try it out on them etc.