Favorite Movie

If you all want to see an old movie, but certainly scary at times, I suggest you see The Boggy Creek Monster. It's based on a true story and is about the town of Fouke/Texarkana, Arkansas where a real bigfoot(I'm dead serious) is living and the experiences people have with this creature. It is very old now, but it was well made and definitely frightening at times. I think everyone should rent it beacuse if you don't see it you're missing out for sure.
#1,The Last of the Mohicans.

#2,The Rundown.
#3,Open Range.
Jeremiah Johnson,Home from the Hill,Sergeant York,Dances with Wolves,The Green Mile,Shawshank Redemption,anything with John Wayne,Robert Mitchum or Audie Murphy. for comedy-Porky's.Oh and Dazed and Confused.