Attention all members and perspective members!


Well-known member
Make sure your email programs, spam filetrs, fire walls, etc. are set to acept e-mails ending with . For example, when an e-mail notification is sent telling you that you have a private message, it comes from ** .
When you try and register, an e-mail is sent out asking you to verify your e-mail address by clicking on a link, or you forgot your password and you fill out the I FORGOT MY PASSWORD thing and a temp is e-mailed to you. These e-mails is also sent from ** as well.
If your filters are not set correctly, you do not and will not receive these messages, and i cannot help you.

ALSO, If you have changed your e-mail address since you registered, please update that in your profile so that we can better serve you when you forget your password or you have problems.