
GG, you sure dropped that one. Barely flinched.

Spot, good that you could pattern that one and hunt the appropriate time. Here coyotes apparently can’t tell time since they show up so randomly.
Week - your saying it's not legal there in NC to shoot foxes at night ???. Pray tell, how many fox do you see walking around in daylight? What's up with that?

Hi 6mm, yes she did drop nicely. Just glad I could take her out before the mange got too bad on her. That is some really nasty stuff.
GG, not only can we not shoot foxes and bobcats at night, we can't use electronic callers on them in the daytime or at night. You can use the e-call for coyote. From what I am told, there is big money backing those that use hounds to hunt fox that those folks have the laws the way they are. We used to be able to shoot a fox anytime there was any other game in season. Not any more.

You are right, Week. Money and hound hunter influence causes strange things to happen. Here, a landowner can take furbearers any time of year as needed, EXCEPT Raccoon, which happens to be a real pest. The law has nothing to do pertaining to Raccoon problems, and everything to do with hound hunters.

O.k., I get it. Politics and money/influence. Ain't it a shame?
Something similar here: back in the 1800's there were two Senator's from two different counties that wanted to fox hunt year round, so those two counties were left open while all the others were fixed a season. And as long as there is a living descendant of said Senator, it will and has remained open. Old law in an old book, so I've been told.
I went out last night prepared to stay all night(3 1# propane bottles for the buddy heater). Saw one with thermal about 250 yards out in the hay field (6:40 pm). That one was over where bales were being loaded at sunset, it did not come to the bait. Watched opossum and skunks and heard some coyote in the direction of a cattle yard about 1/2 mile away. Around 11:40, I scanned the field with the thermal(it's a Leupold hd2, all I can afford). A skunk was on the bait, and 2 coyote moving in from downwind of the bait. They tried to run the skunk off, but it stood it's ground. As they circled the skunk, I took a shot. The coyote dropped, but then suddenly leaped up, yelped and ran. I was unable with the Wraith to get a follow up. It ran left about 200 yards and layed down(could "see" it with the thermal. As I watched, the second coyote came back and hung around the wounded one. Since there are buildings behind it(500-600 yards) I couldn't shoot. The second one meandered about and eventually gave me a close safe shot, it dropped clean. I recovered the first one at daybreak, it had died out where it was laying. I have video from the first, will see if my brother(computer guy, me not) can help me share. I haven't called yet, because I hear that there are other hunters out calling. I figure if they are educating I have to actually kill the coyote. I will snare when we get snow.
I checked my camera today, nothing. Added a thawed out rib cage to the mix, was starting to smell pretty good with the warm weather we've had so I hope it helps. Mis 40's for this time of year is special except for the critters needing to feed to stay warm.
Yup, slow here too. Only got one fox showing at 1 of 4 bait sites...crazy! And he has figured out when I'm in the stand and won't play. Got possum? Oh yes. Need to do some cleaning out here shortly. So far no coyotes on camera since the one I shot in Oct.
I guess we're all waiting for the tide to turn..... hopefully soon!
Same here. Occasionally see on swing by on the trail cams but they are far and few

Maybe I was too efficient on clearing out the "meat pack" over the last couple of years

That’s a good combination, BP. I can just imagine the hammering you put on him with that outfit.

As to possums, I think I have an infestation of them. DoubleUp says I am the Possum King. Mr. 220 Conibear has been wearing them out.