Moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

Originally Posted By: Fursniper
I would like to suggest saving the church by banning some of the congregation who habitually cannot abide by the TOS.

Well Fursniper, I guess that suggestion didn't work out for you, so let's start over and see how it goes from here.

It seems to me like you started this thread from what might possibly be a false premise.....

You started this thread with this statement...

Originally Posted By: FursniperSome are saying this is the start for fulfilling the prophesy in Zachariah 12 which was written around 520 B.C. (before Christians and Muslims existed on earth). If so, all the nations that attack Jerusalem are supposed to be destroyed. This could get interesting.

Can you provide any actual historical evidence to support anything in the OT as fact?

I'm not going to argue with you anymore, but I am going to ask you to provide evidence for every single statement you make, and support for every single opinion you assert.
I promise you that I will do the same.


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