Foxpro light vs wicked scan pro andpursuit package. Same price


New member
I think the wicked woukd be a no brainer two lights for the price of the fox pro but i read a post on here of a guy identifying deer over 650yards with the fox pro. Also a one man setup like me the gun mount and head lamp seems the better deal. What do yall thank.
I have never personally seen the Foxpro light, but i do own a Scanpro IC. I can't imagine any currently produced light having a significant increase in intensity above what the scanpro can put out when you focus the beam. I believe i could identify a deer with that light at night in the wide open, with a sharply contrasting background like snow, and I have no doubt that the light would produce eye shine at 600+ yards, but i am a little hesitant to think that i could "identify" anything at those ranges without snow. Although now that i think about it, the foxpro light has multiple color outputs, and identification might be a bit easier at long range with white light. My scanpro is red only, so the comparison is not quite even. Wicked does make some lights with multiple color outputs, but of course they're going to cost more than what you're probably looking at. i would say that 2 quality lights (one being an excellent headlamp) is a much better value than the handheld foxpro light, especially if you hunt alone and don't already have a good light.... just my 2 cents though considering i have no experience with the foxpro light.
Yeah the wicked head lamp and gunmount combo with multiple colors comes in $20 less than the fox pro. And it has red white green
I like the concept of the foxpro light. I think it would be a good option if you hunted with a partner. Hunting solo, the headlight for scanning and gun mounted light for shooting are the way to go. JMO.
Identifying anything at 650yds at night is a tall order. That will have a lot to do with the capabilities of your scope as well. Quality of optics is something that gets left out in a lot of these discussions of ID'ing animals at great distances...
Wicked.. I have them, used them out in the open where distance was way more than any light could reach. I have seen the foxpro in action, I just personally prefer the wicked.

I could spot a set of eye's and clearly id at over 500 with the wicked. I wouldn't ever shoot that far at night, but, they work great.