Back on Hog Patrol

Nice going on the hog.

As to false alarms, it does happen sometimes, but generally during the daytime. It's pretty common in the daytime. But, at night it seems to settle down and rarely does it ever go off unless some animal tripped it. When the transmitter batteries begin to get weak, it will give false alarms too, even at night, but as I mentioned, the sensor batteries (9-volt) will generally last 2 months or so. With fresh batteries in the transmitters, if the alarm sounds at night, I can bet the farm that some animal is there.

I have spent many nights in my hobo-shack of a cabin, hoping for a coyote. I generally get in the bunk and sleep. Many times hours will have passed and nothing. Then suddenly that little ear bud begins to beep in my ear, and I get up and look through the NV scope to see some critter at the site. Generally when the alarm sounds, my heart jumps too. LOL.

Once you get it to working right, it will help a lot.

Good luck.

I got another trap this afternoon and put it across the road where they have been coming from on my neighbors property.

They have been them and the sign, but have not had the lawn rooting I have. They have not killed any either. Maybe I will catch some tonight before they make it to my side of the road. Hard to tell what they will do with mama being gone.
Sounds like you need back up. What time do you want me and a buddy there? We work for room and board...and of course....... PORK!
How soon can you get here? I'll fix a cot in the yard so you can be my first line of defense.

Nothing last night on two checks and nothing in the trap, but I come to expect that the first night or two after I shoot into them.
Have you thought about running a electric fence around the yard? I cured a hog problem that way, they were coming in at night stealing my pecans. Tractor Supply has everything you will need.
I have thought of it and also of just putting a hog wire fence around the property. But, I don't really like the way a fence will make it look, not to mention the cost. Electic fence would be cheaper, but something else to have to mow around.

No easy solution, but hopefully they will move out again.
I had to work last night and got home at 2:30 am. If anything was there, figured it was ran off with me driving up. I listened, but heard nothing. Was tired and went to bed. This morning I see they rooted around in the back yard sometime last night as I had made a perimeter check yesterday afternoon for sign. I just don't know if they came before or after I came home. They were not in the area I put the motion detectors in.

Pouring rain right now, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are back out tonight after this rain.
Nothing has been happening since I shot the sow last week until last night.

I went to bed early and didn't plan to get up unless the motion detectors went off. Didn't know a thunderstorm was coming through about midnight either.

Well, this morning I wake to find the some rooting in the usual place just out of range of the motion detector, and little pig tracks around.

I guess patrols are back on.

Persistent little skutters, aren't they!

Do you think they can smell corn or bait and be drawn to that?

How might it work to place some corn or bait closer to the sensors, so as to give you an alarm when they're there? Lure them to that specific spot, if that would even be possible.
yellowhammer....get you a 5 gallon bucket and a bag of cracked corn and a dozen egg...filled the bucket 3/4 way full of corn, add some water and eggs and a couple packs of yeast...set it in the sun for a few days with the lid on and when it stinks to high heaven pour it out close to your sensors....are dig a post hole about 2 to 3 feet deep and pour the mixture in it and cover it up....they will stay longer trying to root it up and give you a little more thing i have have to be as persistance as they are....I've even put out a little whole corn and sprayed it with diesel fuel...they seem to love it
I have tried NOT to attract the hogs to my yard. I only bait in/near the trap.

I don't want to draw every hog within a square mile. They can come anytime from dark until sunrise. If they show up for an hour before I get to them they can destroy a lot of yard. I don't want to do anything to keep them coming back if I can help it.

These seem to be the litter of pigs that were left behind by the sow I killed a while back. Maybe I will catch them tonight and sling some buckshot their way.
Originally Posted By: Yellowhammer

I don't want to draw every hog within a square mile. They can come anytime from dark until sunrise. If they show up for an hour before I get to them they can destroy a lot of yard. I don't want to do anything to keep them coming back if I can help it.

Reasonable thinking. I see your point.
Last night was UFC pay per view night and I usually have a few friends over to watch the fights. About 9pm we got another thunderstorm and about a half inch more rain. I knew that would probably have the hogs back for sure.

The fighters were over about midnight and I made a hog check before going to bed. Then I got up about 1:30 and 3 but no hogs. I checked again about 5am.

So, I decided they just went somewhere else last night. All the getting up had me sleeping a little late, and at 8:30 am I was in my drawers shaving before getting ready for church when my wife comes and tells me the pigs are in the back yard. I threw on some shorts, stuck bear feet into my boots, with shaving cream still on my face and grabbed by shotgun. Sure enough I see 7 pigs out the kitchen window. I have to go out the front door and come around the corner of the house. I empty the three rounds of #4 buck into them and click on a wounded one that is dragging himself off. By the time I reload they have hit the bushes.

Two are laying dead, and the humidity is so bad I am already breaking into a sweat. I go back into the house to put on some clothes before seeing if I can find the one that made it into the brush. I am starting to pour sweat and have to be at church by 9am, so I just have my daughter take a picture and finish getting ready for church. I have 2 dead on the ground, one that drug himself off, and I don't know, but I am sure some of the other 4 caught at least a few of the 123 buckshot that filled the air during that 1.5 seconds of fire. I guess I am going to have to take the plug out of my gun.

My wife said I should have taken the picture like I looked when I shot (shorts, boots, no shirt and shaving cream on my face).

For some reason photobucket will not upload my pics, I will try again later.


Photobucket has problems, but facebook works. You can almost see the humidity in the picture.

Here you can see how close they were behind the house.


Originally Posted By: Yellowhammer at 8:30 am I was in my drawers shaving and before getting ready for church when my wife comes and tells me the pigs are in the back yard. I threw on some shorts, stuck bear feet into my boots, with shaving cream still on my face and grabbed by shotgun.

I'll bet that was a sight to behold. Kind-of glad you didn't get a photo. LOL.

Congrats on the hogs.
Way to keep after them !!
This is starting to look like the movie Caddy Shack where the guy keeps chasing the gopher. "These pigs will not get the best of me"