Gun Play


Staff member
The problem in America is not so much guns as it is that so many people are out of touch with reality.

We have gotten to where people don't even have "common" sense.

I played plenty of cops and robbers and cowboys and indians when I was kid. I also had BB gun fights, played with yard darts and even took my pellet gun to school on the bus one time on a Friday because I was spending the night at a friends house and we planned on shooting cans and birds the next day. I would have been arrested that now.

What the heck have be come to when kids can get birth control or an abortion without the parents consent, but go to jail for a toy gun?
That principal sure is tough. Real manly kinda person giving a five year old the business till the poor kid wet himself. Like to turn the tables on that stupid s.o.b.
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When enough of the parents demand zero tolerance, things like this happen. It is not the principal's fault, he had no choice. The school board sets the policy, the principal is an employee and has to follow the marching orders or he could be fired.

Gun owners are a minority. It is hard to fight the majority, especially with shootings like the Sandy Hook shootings. A second problem is the lack of gun owners being vocal on the local scene. How many of you have been to a school board meeting in the last 5 years? How many of you attend school board and or city council meetings on a regular basis? Not once a year, but at least every other month? Or even take the time to read the news about these meetings?

Nobody needs to answer, I pretty well know the answers, very few, most likely less than 10%. You start as a minority and then are not interested enough to get involved. This is how chit happens.

We have met the enemy and he is us.
He grilled the kid for over two hours and apparently only stopped because the little boy pissed his pants. When was the last time any of us - or anyone at all in this screwed up day and age - got a two+ hour butt chewing? What was there to gain by terrifying a 5 year old till he pissed his pants? My son is four and he can stand a lecture from me for about two minutes before he's on the verge of tears. The kid in this story is a five year old and he got it for over two hours? It isn't even my son but it still gets my blood pressure up.
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Originally Posted By: dogcatcher Gun owners are a minority.

No... we just don't make enough noise all the time. We don't stand up and get all teary eyed and emotional in front of the School Board meetings to try and ram through stupidity. And, the reason most of us here don't, is because we are OLD farts, and we don't have children in school anymore! We have grandchildren and great grandchildren, in school!

Zero Tolerance should be applied with a certain degree of common sense, people with opinions like this guys, do NOT have any business being in a position where they can influence the lives of children and/or young adults.
I agree that because of a few sadistic loonies shooting people in schools, that there has definitely been a total loss of common sense.

It has become a society where our children can no longer BE CHILDREN.
Games like dodge ball are banned because someone might get a bruise.
"Smear the queer" (also known as "dog pile") isn't allowed for the same reason.
Heck, even "tag" is banned in some schools.

I, too, remember playing cowboys & Indians; cops & robbers; capture the flag; playing with cap guns, rubber band guns & BB guns.
As children, most of us were taught right from wrong, even if it meant getting a few butt whippings to get the point across.
We were taught that there was a HUGE difference between a toy gun, & a real gun. It was ok to point a toy at someone while playing. But real guns were NEVER to be touched without a parent right there beside you. You weren't taught to fear were taught to RESPECT them.

Suspending a kid for biting a pop tart until it looks like a gun shape? REALLY????
I remember when that wouldn't be any worse than making a booger joke...or asking your buddy to pull your finger!!!

Don't get me wrong. I'm 100% for safety. But society has lost it's mind.

I live directly across the street from a large daycare center.
I often sit on my porch & watch the children play when they are outside.
They can play "monsters"; hide & seek; and other things.
But, they aren't allowed to play cops/robbers, or cowboys/Indians...or anything "violent".
The ladies that work there aren't bad people. Just a little over-protective, IMO.
But, it seems that at least in this one place, for the most part, children are allowed to be children.
Grilling a five year old for two hours until he pees his pants is flat out harassment and his parents should be dragging that useless POS through the court system right about now!! BS; no reason to mentally pound a five year like that.............................................
Originally Posted By: Rocky1.....Zero Tolerance should be applied with a certain degree of common sense...

Listen folks, I am not too bright, maybe you all could explain the above to me in SIMPLE terms, why are we even using the term "Zero Tolerance" in the same sentence as a constitutional right? Where is the freaking outrage??? I swear if I hear one more person use "Zero Tolerance" while describing a constitutional right I am going to kick my dog!!!

What is next??? "We have a 'Zero Tolerance' policy now concerning the fourth am. you will surrender your personal effects to the state!!!"

Zero tolerance concerning property rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, all of these sound crazy, yet we(gun owners) will accept the term when it comes to the 2nd Am.
Yeah, it's ridiculous what our schools have become. The liberal pussyfication of our children will bring the country down eventually.
Frankly if a principal did something like that to my five year old daughters I'd be in jail right now. I'm already not looking forward to them going to school in the fall because of crap like this. If it wasn't for the fact of interacting with other kids we would be home schooling them.
Originally Posted By: C.JayOriginally Posted By: Rocky1.....Zero Tolerance should be applied with a certain degree of common sense...

Listen folks, I am not too bright, maybe you all could explain the above to me in SIMPLE terms, why are we even using the term "Zero Tolerance" in the same sentence as a constitutional right? Where is the freaking outrage??? I swear if I hear one more person use "Zero Tolerance" while describing a constitutional right I am going to kick my dog!!!

What is next??? "We have a 'Zero Tolerance' policy now concerning the fourth am. you will surrender your personal effects to the state!!!"

Zero tolerance concerning property rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, all of these sound crazy, yet we(gun owners) will accept the term when it comes to the 2nd Am.

Easy on the dog CJay!

Yeah... I can see Zero Tolerance for having a gun on campus! Bring a gun on campus, and you are outta here. No questions asked, you don't come back for a long long time, unless you are a 4 year old, that brung it for show an tell. This crap of no toy guns, no toy soldiers, no fingers pointed, no chewed off popped tarts, no bang-bang remarks, no pictures drawn of guns, these items are not dangerous, having a zero tolerance policy against such is utterly ridiculous. It proves beyond all shadow of a doubt that the staff and administration of the school is incompetent if they do.
Hayward Ca, had a Toy Gun buy back for crying out loud! Kids that turned in a toy gun got a free book.. Teach boys to be whimps at an early age I guess.
Of course, it's all just a continuation of the changes that have occurred during the past 40 years, in schools...and society.

Do you remember getting sent to the Principle's office for doing something wrong, and receiving a few swats with a paddle?
I certainly do!!!

Do you remember teachers "rapping" your knuckles with a ruler for cheating, or talking out of place?
I do!

Do you remember little old lady teachers pulling you along by the ear?

Do you remember being sat in the corner, with your nose against the wall, wearing a "dunce" hat, for doing something wrong in class?
Sure do!

How about staying after school, having to write something like "I will not call "so-and-so" a bad name."...Or "I will not put a frog in "so-and-so's" desk."...or something similar 1000 times on the chalk board?
Gee I wish I had all of those after-school hours back now!!!

Those are just a very few examples of what are now considered abuse by teachers....instead of being called "discipline".

If I hadn't experienced those types of discipline during my never know...I may have grown up to be a lot worse of a person than I am.

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Will,,,,I can not only remember the paddle in the Principal's office, but if it got used on you there, you could expect another one when you got home....If there were repeat offenses, parents of other kids would not let you in their yard for awhile....

I learned the feeling of a ruler in the first grade, just for talking/whispering to a student near me...If my hair were as thin then, as it is now, I'd probably still have dents that were visible...

Work turned in had to be legible to the teacher's satisfaction, even though I knew what I wrote and any with erasure marks got a lower grade...#2 pencils never seemed to have good erasers...

I'll certainly agree that the only place the term "Zero Tolerance" should be allowed is when being applied with respect to our politicians and bureaucrats....
I am not sure where you guys are headed with the discussion now. I am all in favor of discipline for kids. My son listens to me because he knows he may be able to push mom's buttons for a while and get away with it but that ship don't float with dad.
I do not have a problem with the boy in this story being disciplined. Rules are rules, however stupid, and he broke them. It is not the job of a five year old to purposely challenge authority with the good intent of forcing dumb rules to be ultimately vacated.
What I do have a very, very big problem with is the fact that the asschewing went on for over two hours. A five year old's attention span is no where near that long and after a while it isn't even punishment anymore but harassment. We were all little boys once. Many of us have sons of our own. Try to remember what it was like when you were little and ask yourself what this would have done to you. Now try to remember what it was like when your son was little. Would you have done this to him? Hopefully not on your worst day as a father.
I may be more in tune with these kinds of things than some of you because I did get treated this way as a kid. My old man was an abusive [beeep]. I remember once when I was three I turned around too quickly with a pillow in my arms and knocked a lamp off a table. It didn't break. But he beat me till I pissed myself. I remember him grabbing my brother by the throat and dragging him outside and beating him with his belt till my brother couldn't stand up anymore. My mother left him and found another jackass who never laid a hand on us but would mentally terrorize us - me especially because I was younger and a picky eater. One night he made me eat cooked spinach until i vomited then tried to make me eat my own vomit. It got to the point where I would get off the school bus about four before he got home and I would grab a box of cereal and lock myself in my room for the night. I did my homework, ate my cereal, and if I had to piss I opened a window and pissed on the roof so I didn't have to go downstairs. In the winter he would not let us leave the door open to the upstairs for any heat. I remember waking up with ice on the walls and snow around the inside of the window sills freezing cold. Every Thursday night I secretly packed a change of clothes in my bag and would jump a different bus Friday afternoon. I'd ride it to my grandparents place and stay there till Monday morning.
Now that I am a father and a husband, I struggle even more to understand how people can do such things to a defenseless child. The lines are clearly drawn in my head as to what is and is not child abuse because my friends, I lived it. I saw it from the helpless side. Railing on a kid till he is so terrified that he [beeep] himself is child abuse and to be quite honest it makes me want to knock that [beeep] principal's teeth down his [beeep] throat. Let that tough [beeep] pick on someone his own size and I'd have him pissing down his own leg before I quit.
Yeah I caught that little liberal gem on the news.

I never eluded to what an appropriate punishment should have been. Do I think he intentionally did this to create a stir? Of course not. My little boy loves his toy guns and likes showing them off when he gets a new one. I could easily see this boy slipping his cap gun into his book bag to show his friends while never knowing he was doing anything wrong. He did not bring a 357 mag to school to shoot someone. He brought a toy. No more dangerous than a teddy bear or a blanket. But the rule is the rule and he broke it. Now is when people should find some sense and couple it with some backbone and meet the school head on to force a change so no other kids have this crap done to them.
Originally Posted By: coyote_reaperI am not sure where you guys are headed with the discussion now. I am all in favor of discipline for kids. My son listens to me because he knows he may be able to push mom's buttons for a while and get away with it but that ship don't float with dad.
I do not have a problem with the boy in this story being disciplined. Rules are rules, however stupid, and he broke them. It is not the job of a five year old to purposely challenge authority with the good intent of forcing dumb rules to be ultimately vacated.

My only intent was to stress the different way things are now viewed, as it pertains to discipline.

In my day, if the boy had been me, the teacher (or principle) would have taken away the toy gun & given me a swat with a paddle (at worst)...and sent me back to class.
The serious discipline would have been left to my parents.

Do I think that what this principle did went too far? Yes, of course.

I don't believe that the child had any intention of challenging anything. I think he was just being a child, & wanted to show his toy to his friends.
If folks only read the Bible today..

Proverbs 23:13

New International Version (©2011)
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die.
New Living Translation (©2007)
Don't fail to discipline your children. They won't die if you spank them.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Do not hold back discipline from the child, Although you strike him with the rod, he will not die.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.