
Great photos of the cat, 6mm06. After looking at your videos aagain, I also think you have two cats visiting your site.

Here's a couple of photos showing my scope / camera mount setup.



I cannibalized a cheap old tripod that came with a spotting scope, just using the top shaft and swivels. Increased shaft thickness by shouldering it with a piece of 1 inch stainless pipe, and borrowed the clamp that came with my XLR250 light, (that I almost never use these days since getting my NV setup). This mount will quickly clamp on to any scope I have. Haven't tried taking a shot with it on, but mostly set it up for exactly the "catch n release" photos I posted earlier. Let me know if this doesn't fully explain...

That's a pretty neat idea Lefty. So you just add your digital camera and that's it? I assume you have to play around with zooming to get a nice full view through the scope.

As to the bobcat / bobcats, I got a video last night where the spots do look different, so I'm beginning to think I have two cats as well.

I just hope that coyote returns tonight. If he does, I'll be staying at the cabin tomorrow night.
I had coyote tracks come to within 40 yd. of bait,he stomped back and forth and turned and went right back the way he came.There must be other baiters around because these things are way to skiddish.My Dakota sensor is haywire so am sending it back for replacment.Am going to get the Dakota handheld murs longrange for next year so I can take it anywhere.All the reviews but one were very good for the murs but the 3ooo I got has alot of bad reviews.

Sureshot, that is a good looking camera mount.

J.Mark, not sure what it might weigh. Photos / videos can sometimes be misleading. I would venture a guess that it's in the upper 20s or so, maybe even a bit more. The deer was a very small one. The largest cat I ever got (last year) weighed right at 31 pounds, and it was huge. Not sure how close this cat will come to it.

Our season is out here on bobcats, so I'm just having fun watching him and getting some good videos.

Here's the daytime bobcat. Click on photo to see video.

Great photos guys. Its nice to see what you can do with your electronics and video equepment.
Yesyerday I hunted the deer yard with some luck.

First coyote shot with my Tikka 22-250. Not as fur freindly as my AR .223
Love the cat video David. That cat is a beauty. I really love the flared cheeks on him and the spotted ears. Hopefully he makes it to next season in good shape. I like the way he tried to scratch up a little ground to cover the bait. My guess is you'll be seeing more of this one.

Yep, that 22-250 is not fur friendly, but no doubt the coyote hit the dirt hard. Nice job Scalloper. How many so far from the deer yard?

Corey, that is one pretty cat for sure, and he's becoming a regular. He was there again last night and really ripped into that deer. The deer is almost gone.

Here's one of last night's video clips.

You would think the coyote would return after getting a taste of the deer the night before. He didn't.

Here's one clip of him. On another clip he was tugging at the deer. These coyotes here are really wild.

very nice scalloper, looks like a jr. to my .243 hole in my last one.
That's a FAT cat 06. I sure hope he hangs around for another season. I'd like to see you get some hands on him. Now show us a closeup of the skidish coyote.
Three years ago I found a dead deer 30 yards from were I was feeding them alfalfa.The only thing eaten on him was some backstrap and part of a shoulder.There was cat tracks around it and it had been killed by crushing the lyrnx.Sure enough I pulled the chip out of my cuddyback that was 10 feet from the hay and I had 22 pictures of the cat sitting in the hay over a two day period.He finaly killed a deer. Our game manager said they have been surprised at how large a deer bobcats can kill.They are a killing machine for sure.
Originally Posted By: J.MarkThree years ago I found a dead deer 30 yards from were I was feeding them alfalfa.The only thing eaten on him was some backstrap and part of a shoulder.There was cat tracks around it and it had been killed by crushing the lyrnx.Sure enough I pulled the chip out of my cuddyback that was 10 feet from the hay and I had 22 pictures of the cat sitting in the hay over a two day period.He finaly killed a deer. Our game manager said they have been surprised at how large a deer bobcats can kill.They are a killing machine for sure.
Most any cat hunter will tell you that a bobcat can kill the largest buck with ease. They see evidence on the snow most winters

Last night I stayed at the cabin despite the coyote not showing the night before. To say it was a good night would be an understatement. Here's the way it went.

8:45 PM - Attack possum showed up
9:45 PM - Bobcat arrived
10:14 PM - Bobcat ran off quickly as if scared
10:15 PM - Trigger squeezed on large male coyote
10:30 PM - Went to bed
02:55 AM - Alarm went off
02:56 AM - Squeezed trigger on coyote #2, female
03:00 AM - Back to bed and slept like a baby
08:30 AM - Got up, hot coffee, then collected coyotes.

I watched the bobcat on and off through the night vision scope for about 30 minutes. I looked through the scope and saw the bobcat suddenly run down hill in a hurry and wondered what scared it. Then suddenly I saw a coyote come down the hill toward the bait. I would have thought the bobcat would defend it's meal, but it wanted nothing to do with that coyote.

When I squeezed the trigger, the coyote (male) jumped and ran into the brushy area in the foreground in the first photo. I could tell it was hit but not sure how well. Later this morning when I found it, I noticed it was a good shot. It was running dead and went maybe 40-50 yards around the hillside. We got fresh snow last night, so the tracks were washed out but the coyote didn't go far.

Later this morning around 2:55 AM, the alarm woke me. I was surprised to see another coyote (female). It was nervous at the bait site, more so than the male.

When I turned on the IR lights remotely, the coyote ran and I thought it was leaving, but it stopped so I turned the lights off. I could see well enough to shoot without the lights since there was a snow on the ground and enough ambient light. I shot the female with no added lights at all, which was nice to see the Gen 1 scope work that well. The female coyote jumped and rolled a bit and ended up just a few feet downhill from the bait, near center in the first photo.








Hey, David awesome job man. As and old friend tells me sometimes, "Anything goes when the whistle blows."

You're going to need more carrying capacity at that rate.