No More Bob Costas for me!

Costas is so liberal anti-gun that he would be on all the MSMs' wish list for commentators IMO.
You aint gonna hurt him. He is in friendly waters.....
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I too voted on the CNN poll and emailed NBC, not that it will change the views of either but it's worth the time to voice the displeasure.

I wonder now too if due to the tragic accident involving the Dallas players, will Costas go another rant this weekend on drinking and driving and alcohol abuse?? Doubt it because his sponsors wouldn't think much of that.
It's allways the guns that do the shooting It's the GUN'S fault, all those crazy black gun's having mass bullet mag's!! You know that if a person has made up there mind to go kill some one,If they need a gun no matter what, the person will find a gun someway! Maybe got one of those Mexico guns!