The mind of a 'man' who advocates gun control...


New member
We had a bad shooting here in Seattle on Wednesday.

A nut shot five innocent people, that's basically the story.

The crazy shooter was legally carrying, so naturally liberal, Portlandia-esque Seattle is blaming his actions on guns and wringing their hands and calling for measures that even if enacted would have made NO difference.

But when we boil it down, it is fascinating to me how the Left presents illogical, emotional blather as its 'arguments'.

This local blogger is pretty typical and following his 'reasoning' is like listening to an eight-year-old girl, not a grown man.

The fact that grown men are out there who think like this is scary. The fact that he is some kind of teacher and has the opportunity to shape kids' thinking is REALLY scary.

BTW, his blog permits comments...;)

No More Polite Nodding

It was a god awful day in Seattle yesterday. A man described by his family as mentally ill carried a gun into a neighborhood cafe and shot 4 people dead, critically wounding 1 other. He then made his way downtown where he shot and killed another woman. After an intensive citywide hunt, he shot himself when cornered by the police.

I heard the first reports in the morning, half listening, about a shooting in the University District. Hearing that the shooter was still at large, my first thoughts were about my family, of course, and while my daughter's school is only about 5 miles from there, it wasn't close enough for concern. I know several kids at nearby Roosevelt High School, however, and I figured they were on lock down, but then went about my business. Later I heard about an "apparently unrelated" shooting downtown, a mile or so from my wife's office, closer, but still not cause for panic, although the skies were filling with helicopters.

Then I received a text message from my daughter Josephine: "Guy with a gun at (school). On lock down."

Holy crap.

Four of her classmates, two of whom I've known since kindergarten, had been working on a group project at a small park with a view of Lake Washington across the street from campus when they'd been approached by a man dressed all in black, including gloves, wearing dark sunglasses, carrying a gun. They ran, making it back to school to sound the alarm.

It turned out that this armed man wasn't the killer who was on the loose, but rather a man who had heard about the shootings and had decided to carry a weapon, for which he had a license, in his hand, to a school, I can only assume with vigilantism in mind. Josephine, who is friends with all of the student witnesses, said that the police had indicated they felt the guy was, you guessed it, mentally ill: another mentally ill man with a gun, this one hanging around my daughter's school.

News mentions about this second guy have dismissed him as an overly worried jogger. In fact, I've searched the SPD online "blotter" and found no mention of this incident. Am I to assume they just let the guy go? I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. After all, this is America, a place where mentally ill people are allowed to walk around with guns, even around schools, even around my child and her friends. And there are gun industry lobbyists, politicians, and others out there who aggressively support their right to do so.

More children die from guns each year than the death toll of 9/11. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The Children's Defense Fund found that during 2008 and 2009:

The total number of preschool-age children killed by guns (173) was nearly double the number of law-enforcement officers (89) killed in the line of duty.
African-American children and teens represented 45 percent of all gun deaths in their age group, but only 15 percent of the total US population of children.
The top cause of death for black teens ages 15 to 19 was gun homicide.
More children and teens died from gunfire (5,750) than the number of US military personnel killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
Among the 23 highest-income countries in the world, the US was home to 80 percent of all gun deaths, and 87 percent of all gun deaths of children younger than 15.

Every American head should hang in shame, and every heart shout burn with rage. I will no longer sit politely and nod as earnest people try to tell me about how guns are part of the American tradition. Look what your [beeep] tradition has wrought. Slavery was once an American tradition. So was lynching.

Guns in the hands of irresponsible people kill children. Guns in the hands of criminals kill children. Guns in the hands of mentally ill people kill children. I have no illusion that we will become a gun free society any time soon, but it is time for across-the-board common sense gun control, a position that is supported by 2/3 of Americans. Guns should be exceedingly hard to get. Gun owners should have to prove they know how to use and store them safely, that they are not criminals, and that they are mentally and emotionally stable. I know there are already background check laws in some places, but there are so many loopholes they've been rendered meaningless.

Stolen guns kill children. Virtually all gun crimes are committed with stolen guns (80-90% according to estimates), while most of the gun crimes committed with legally owned guns stem from domestic violence. I keep hearing about "responsible gun owners." How about this: if your gun is used to kill someone, even if that gun as been stolen from you, even if that gun was used by an angry spouse, you should be considered at least partially guilty for that death, because as everyone knows, part of being a responsible gun owner is keeping your weapon secure. That failure of responsibility should make you an accessory to the crime.

Guns kill children. The simple fact is that the countries with the strictest gun laws have the lowest gun death rates. Yes, I know that there is a theory out there that a well-armed population prevents crime, with Switzerland, where male citizens under 30 are required to keep government issued guns in their home, often trotted out as an example. Believe me, those guns are strictly regulated. They are issued to citizens in lieu of a standing army (which was the real intent of our 2nd amendment). Those citizens undergo rigorous military training. Yes, like the rest of Europe, the Swiss gun crime rate is quite low compared to the US, but it's far from clear that widespread gun ownership has anything to do with it. Experts say it is not an accident that Swiss gun crime has fallen since the 1990's when stricter gun control laws were enacted.

Please don't bring your 2nd amendment argument around here, not today; I'll jump down your throat. Frankly, I don't give a [beeep] about your right to own a gun. I don't give a [beeep] about your right to shoot animals. I don't give a [beeep] about your fantasies of protecting yourself with a gun: that's the thinking of a mentally ill man in black who carries guns around high schools.

Guns kill people. Guns kill children. No more polite nodding.

Anti Gun Teacher's Blog

[beeep] Libturds are really getting on my nerves!

Guns don't kill People!
People kill people, Liberals kill jobs and our hope for a prosperous future!

Vote them all OUT!
The guy isn't very bright.

Based on just the statistics he posted in his blog, the answer to gun violence isn't gun control for everyone, but simply gun control for black people.

No, I am not advocating gun control for black people, but from his blog that seems to be the answer, although I'm sure that wasn't the intent.

Gun crime in America has nothing to do with availability of guns. As he pointed out, every male in Switzerland must undergo military training and keep a fully automatic rifle in the home. After mandatory reserve status, they are then allowed to buy their military firearms from the government and keep them for life. They are issued ammunition in sealed containers which are inspected annually, but they are allowed to buy their own ammunition for their issued firearms and encouraged to practice on any of the government sponsored shooting ranges.

He could be right that availability of guns does not deter crime, but that isn't proven by his references to Switzerland. But what Switzerland does prove is that availability of guns does not promote crime.

No, the problem in American isn't guns, it is the culture of violence that is promoted across large segments of our society.
I responded to his blog by pointing out that Seattle has some of the most lenient concealed carry laws in the country, and one of the lowest murder rates for a city of its size, while Washington, DC has one of the highest murder rates (7 times that of Seattle) and the strictest gun laws in the country.

He is censoring responses to his blog, so I doubt he allows it to be posted.

The coward.
Ivers,that's what I can't stand about libs.They only want their voice to be heard,they know their right so why let anyone else be heard.This said in reference to your comment of censoring.As for people killing other people,as sad as it is,it has always happened,I think the first murder was with a rock.If rocks had just have been baned maybe this murder thing would have never started.
When they quote stats,why don't they quote the stats for auto deaths as well?After all,when you lose someone does it hurt less depending on how it happened?
Great points!

Yeah, in 2011 Seattle only has 20 homicides total. Getting a Concealed Pistol License (CPL) here--local name for CCW--is 'shall issue', so the government has to grant it unless a past felony or finding of mental illness can be shown.
Originally Posted By: IversI responded to his blog by pointing out that Seattle has some of the most lenient concealed carry laws in the country, and one of the lowest murder rates for a city of its size, while Washington, DC has one of the highest murder rates (7 times that of Seattle) and the strictest gun laws in the country.

He is censoring responses to his blog, so I doubt he allows it to be posted.

The coward.

All Blog software requires approval of posts by others, before the post hits the board. It prevents spammed links, obscenities popping up, and heckling.

And, before it arises, yes you are guaranteed freedom of speech in this country, but you are not guaranteed freedom of speech on his website/blog, that is his baby to exercise his freedom of speech on, and if it is shared with others, their comments shall be approved at his discretion! If you want to exercise 'your' freedom of speech on the Internet, and he doesn't want to share your views with others, then you gotta have your own website. They aren't real expensive y'all! Cost you less than a cup of coffee per day.

Rocky1, let me point out that I didn't say jack squat about freedom of speech. I merely pointed out that HE SAID he is censoring his blog. I am well aware that the 1st amendment only prohibits the government from censoring speech, and that isn't without limits.
He didn't say he was censoring comments in his blog Ivers, what he said was "Please don't bring your 2nd amendment argument around here, not today; I'll jump down your throat." I don't see anything cowardly about that, as you inferred he is, he simply stated up front he was going to argue points made in support of the second amendment.

Obviously he isn't censoring anything, nor is he afraid of your comments, because your remarks were posted on his blog, at 11:22 a.m. and at this time he hasn't taken the time to contradict them in any fashion. As for my comments regarding freedom of speech, those were made for the benefit of ALL, and not aimed directly at you Ivers.
Originally Posted By: Rocky1Yeah he did! And, he hasn't even suggested you go to detention yet.

Do they have detention in preschool? You really have to wonder about a grown man that wears tights, a cape, and teaches four year olds for a living.
Originally Posted By: IversOriginally Posted By: Rocky1Yeah he did! And, he hasn't even suggested you go to detention yet.

Do they have detention in preschool? You really have to wonder about a grown man that wears tights, a cape, and teaches four year olds for a living.

Yeah!! You sure do!

I can't even begin to imagine having to put up with a whole class full of rug rats! Tights and a cape... uhmmm no! Not even to entertain the little scheisters!
Teaches 4 year olds, wears tights and a cape, and dyes his hair blonde.

Something tells me the story about the daughter wasn't true.
I was thinking the same about the daughter story Ivers. If there was a man dressed like that with a gun near a school who was not a cop,they would hunt till they found him I think.
Another interesting thing is that he neglects to cover the talking points libs spout about kids and guns are not counting the kids that are dealing crack to each other and the kids that are shooting each other in the inner cities. In addition, they don't count how many kids stab each other, use baseball bats on each other, or kill each other in so many more ways I cannot count them. Largely, they are drug related crimes, or even fights over iPods or sneakers. The number of children shot by crazy people with guns is actually ridiculously small. The number of soldiers lost overseas is also incredibly small, considering some of the missions they are on and how many are out there. They also do not consider how many lives are saved by people that carry weapons and eliminate the crooks that attack sane people and kids in malls, on the street, etc. That guy is definitely an uninformed and biased person who is unsettled to say the least. I can't even keep commenting on his post, because to cover all the additional crap he is spouting would take more space than his post does, as he is ignoring more facts than he is making up!
His source was the ultra-liberal and rabidly anti-gun Children's Defense Fund (CDF). Its report's cover is even an old photo of Trayvon Martin as if to suggest he looked like that at the time of his death. The CDF's report CDF Report , from which the 'Teacher Tom' blogger quoted, was DEDICATED to Martin!

I encourage everyone here to at least glance at that report, it is a great representation of how the Left manipulates information that is, in turn, spoon fed to the media to drum up public support for gun control. It also goes to lesser-followed sources, like this blogger.

When this inaccurate and manipulated stuff goes unchallenged then we lose ground with the general public.
