Bobcat vision ?


New member
Do bobcats see color like we do or like coyotes?
I've read a lot about coyotes vision in respect to color recognition, but I've never seen anything about bobcats and how they see color like hunter orange or red.


Since December I've called up 6 bobcats (all but one on video due to furbearer restrictions).

While I can't speak to orange or red, I can tell you that a guy sitting upright next to a bush holding a silver camera and pointing it at them doesn't seem that big a deal when they're interested. I actually had to speak to two of them to keep them from walking into my lap.

I would bet that me wearing orange would not have kept them from getting any closer if my movement and camera waving didn't scare them off.
Bobcats have the same red-green colorblindness as coyotes and foxes do, as do almost all other four legged animals.
Bobcats have rods and cones, but they're not as developed as humans. It's said that they can see purple, blue and green the same as we see those colors, but everything else is varied shades of black and white.