How many of you hunt Coyotes alone?

Originally Posted By: gonzagaI hunt alone about 50/50. That is why I got my dog and I am training him to decoy coyotes for me. It is alot of fun watching a dog work. I wish my son liked to go with me, but somedays, he's just not into it. He tries, but somedays I think he would rather stay home inside where it is warm.

Besides if I am alone, I am never wrong...right?

LOL you are right bud, you are always right when you are alone.
95% it's me and the dog. On ocassion I try to get another person to go, but most are not interested or move too fast and get busted, so it's mainly me.

I prefer myself and the dog. She can see them coming in as soon as I do or faster. Plus, when she moves, it's a good thing.
I do it both ways, I like to hunt with a partner you can visually scan more area and sometimes double your luck. there are times when he see things I don't and vise verse.

Almost a year to the day we set out at 0600 and by 10:30 we had made three stands called 5 and shot 4.

I didn't see the first he didn't see the second one, the third we both shot. And the fourth and fifth came in high and behind him. I shot the first one but the second one never showed back up.

All this talk about coyotes makes me think I need to go out first thing in the morning before heading into the office.