Az Congresswoman Shot This A.M.

My liberal Aunt has already started her rant on facebook about Rush, Hannity, Beck, Palin and others being responsible for the indoctrination. Unbelievable, but no surprise.
A sodomite moonbat on the Daily Kos has claimed she's already "dead to him"-


This tragic act will hurt the angry right. The nut job may have no affiliation with any organized group but the damage will be done. Gifford was a good, moderate democrat and it is hard to imagine that she would be targeted by anyone other than the extreme right.
a picture is emerging that to the degree politics played a role in this, this is a hard-left person who decided to shoot his representative bc she wasn't performing left enough for his satisfaction.

Radical Liberal shoots Congresswoman

Republican politicians inability to adhere to the demands of Conservatives caused them to gradually lose control throughout the Bush years, the house in 2004, the Senate in 2006 and then even the Presidency in 2008. The Obama administration and the Democrats did not give them what they wanted, however, and so they created the Tea Party movement which set about purging the Republican Primary, replacing moderates with hard-line conservatives, and then sending a wave that turned blue districts red in droves.

The Tea Party has been called radical often by those on the left who dislike them for their conservative purism and how quickly they’ll turn on politicians who stop using the Tea Party playbook. Jared Loughner didn’t like the Tea Party either, like them, however, he disliked his politicians, though that was because they weren’t socialistic enough for him. However, instead of joining with like minded individuals, waiting for the next election, and voting them out; he decided to shoot his Congresswoman in the head.

Jared Loughner twice worked for Gabrielle Gifford’s campaign but later formed a grudge against her for voting against the reelection of Nancy Pelosi to the post of Minority Leader. So on January 8th at ten a.m. he went to a town hall meeting Gifford was holding in her Arizona district and proceeded to shoot her, a Federal judge and a number of bystanders. When Loughner tried to escape other nameless bystanders tackled him to the ground.

See this is because a true radical is one who desires immediate reform through uncompromising methods; vis-a-vie violent revolution. Although sometimes using violent rhetoric, the Tea Party’s guiding documents do not call for violence. While Jared Loughner and many on the far left’s do, unless of course the Communist Manifest and Mein Kampf are not core neo-liberal documents that call for violence to enact social change.

By constantly hurling the label of radical at conservatives, who peacefully assemble in protests and hold their congressman’s feet to the fire over legislation, they weaken the meaning of the term. Jared Loughner and people like him are radicals; Sarah Palin, Ron Paul and others in the Tea Party movement clearly are not. Trying to put them in the same barrel is the job of the mainstream media, not intelligent liberals and conservatives.
Originally Posted By: HunterBear71This tragic act will hurt the angry right. The nut job may have no affiliation with any organized group but the damage will be done. Gifford was a good, moderate democrat and it is hard to imagine that she would be targeted by anyone other than the extreme right.

You may want to believe that HB but the shooter was an extreme leftist. He had even worked for the Congresswoman.
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Originally Posted By: Rim_RunnerI hate to break this to you Dawg but to say someone is dead to you isn’t a death threat. It refers to being disowned.

Well duh Rimmy thanks for the lesson.
It's a bit ironic the Kos poster had a very similar campaign history to the shooter. Bottom line is Loughner is a far left whack job no matter how HB or the media try to portray him.

The guy was mentally ill. I have not seen reports that he worked for Gifford. Of course, I don't read extreme right wing blogs. However, I have seen some of his internet rants that list the tea party as a group that inspires him. I think the guys politics were all over the board. I am sure his acts will hurt the far right and their angry agenda. However, time will tell so no real reason to debate the issue.
"This tragic act will hurt the angry right." I am still looking for this angry right-from my review of it, if it exists has nothing to do with this loon.

"it is hard to imagine that she would be targeted by anyone other than the extreme right".
Yep, its the Rights' fault blah blah. Your first post is the only one I could agree with; "a tragedy". The rest stinks of the foulest political division tactics and Allinsky rules.

Wear them well.

"However, time will tell so no real reason to debate the issue."

No debate so lets throw gasoline & lit match at the "angry right"

And Aesops Fairytales inspired him too? Certainly not Mein Kampf or the Communist Manifesto or mind control BS.

You appear to cling hard your predilection to paste this at the feet of the Right -when evidence shows he(shooter) had a deranged/diverse views-readings sane individual could follow or make sense of.

NB: The only thing that is stranger is your own conclusion the right has an angry agenda....where is this written/displayed etc.

Oh, the right is angry. But, I'm not suggesting that the nut case had any affiliation with the angry right. I merely offered the opinion that this tragic event will hurt those who rely on angry rhetoric. If the right isn't guilty of any such actions then no worries.
Quote:I'm not suggesting that the nut case had any affiliation with the angry right

Quote:Gifford was a good, moderate democrat and it is hard to imagine that she would be targeted by anyone other than the extreme right.

Well, except maybe the extreme left who were very angry at her for voting against Pelosi (among other things).

IF the "extreme right" were to start violence against the left, you would think Gifford would be among the last. She is a former Republican, and a self described "blue dog" (conservative) Democrat.

The right may indeed be damaged by this, but at least at this point it will be because of completely unfounded rhetoric by the left. I know their default position is "never let a crises go to waste", but their immediate attempt to take advantage of a terrible tragedy to level blame against their political opponents without even a shred of evidence, is revealing of their lack of any moral foundation.

No surprise really, just more disgusting confirmation of the left's true colors.
You are correct, nmleon. I realize that she is a moderate Democrat. I didn't mean to imply that she was attacked by the extreme right. I was merely indicating that she is as conservative as some in the republican party and only the very extreme wing of that party would really find her terribly objectionable. I should probably just shut my yap at this point.The far left might also find her objectionable.
Originally Posted By: HunterBear71Oh, the right is angry. But, I'm not suggesting that the nut case had any affiliation with the angry right. I merely offered the opinion that this tragic event will hurt those who rely on angry rhetoric. If the right isn't guilty of any such actions then no worries.

You keep saying "Angry Right", As a way to discount the "Angry Left". Like Ed Schultz and Al Franken or any of the other nut jobs on Air America. He is described by Classmate as "Left-Wing Pothead" in the papers. Instead of stiring the pot, maybe you should say a prayer for this woman and the other victims. It appears that this young man is very disturbed. I'm sure some lawyer will say that it's not his fault.
The LEFT can't be angry, they are so enlightened and gentile.

Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose [beeep] to kick.“
Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”

Hmm such calm eloquence...but, its the RIGHT that has an angry agenda.

Faulting the rhetoric of political polarization is a lefty tactic to marginalize the Right - and is easily attributable to the methods of Alinsky. Don't fall for it.

I got it. Thanks HB you've made me see the error of my ways..please whip me...purge me of my angry agenda...I really like the whip.

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To bad for all the victims. Especially the little girl most of all. Not surprising to me. After flipping through a few news channels the last few days. They are all focused on the congress woman. Nary a word spoken about the other victims, some of which died. Apparently they aren't worth mentioning? or are news worthy? Pathetic.